High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Except The Alliance actually has a better chance of getting a race they have interacted with vs. a Race they kill- I mean scared away…


Oh right, so is the Horde also going to get Night Elves as well, since the Horde interacted with them, several times as well? Or Humans? Or Gnomes? Or any other Alliance race out there?

It’s one of the possibilities, so sure?

Wait, you’re telling me with a straight face that the with everyone’s bluster about “Faction Identity…”
The Horde would be OK with “Unedited Humans” and “Unedited Night Elves” as Allied Races?

What kind of double-standard is this?!


Listen here rebel without a cause…I’ll turn you into a DK.

Woah there yes they have.
Cataclysm= revamp of the world to balance out the number of horde and alliance questing areas.
Racials being nerfed to make them as close to equal to each other as possible.
Each factions quests used to frame the other as negative in the others eyes while pushing themselves up as positive to ensure equality.
It is incorrect to suggest there is no equality in design.

BFA, both factions get the same amount of areas to quest in, with their own storyline that eventually intertwines. Both have to earn the other factions dungeon (kings rest and Siege of Borealis).

Numerous times where the Horde receives more mounts than the alliance, because alliance has more flying/ground mounts than the horde and it needed correcting.
Objectively speaking, the idea is to make sure both factions get things equally in number and in principle.

Not wrong, because the reveal of Vulpera and Mechagnomes show it.
Alliance received mechagnomes yes.
The HOrde? Brand new race not on EITHER faction.

What happened? Eternal complaints about the two not being equal.
Same thing for the bee mount.
As a result? RUmor of a black bee mount for the Horde in the future or a unique mount for the Horde and eternal complaints about the AR alliance received. I am sure it will change since they’ve put themselves in a bad bind. One they’ve had to correct before.

Nightborne and void elves. Edited versions of each factions elf races who are then swapped.
There is much more to be said for equality than there is for non-equivalent exchange.

I agree, it is not something I would like given I don’t like night elves.
It is something which would be done, however, because it needs to be looked at holistically.

Except it’s not. Because the Horde is not going to get an Alliance race, anymore than the Alliance is going to get a Horde race.

Yeah, if we’re already doing literal copy-pastes of Horde races for the Alliance.

As allies and as long as the Alliance have with Alliance High Elves?

Find that, then you can make a case for having another skeleton for the Horde, I’d even support it.

Yes, keep pretending we want your Blood elves.

We have that sect of elves already, thanks.


War of the Ancients.

There was an entire post explaining the matter, and you completely ignored it to make this comment. I am disappointed in you dude. Seriously

As if I needed help being a Death Knight.

Clearly you do since you’re only 110

You do want the Blood Elves because you’re asking for High Elves. Both are the same race. Something which your completely ignoring.

You guys know that we want CHANGES to the model right? Its right there in the first post?

Blizzard wouldn’t even allow a copy-paste model like that.


how many times does this have to be debunked

the SC serves dalaran. dalaran is neutral. technically, the SC is neutral

they arent great friends with the night elves either. vereesa even says something like ‘never thought id share a camp with the night elves’ or something. the SC appeared at suramar WITH the kirin tor army and khadgar

they were a part of the kirin tor force sent to suramar, meaning the invasion consisted of the nightborne rebels, the horde aligned blood Elves, the alliance aligned night elves, and the neutral forces of dalaran. there was no independent alliance ‘high’ elf army there :relaxed:

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Because Player Level matters when discussing stuff on the Forums?

Not everyone wants changes, and not everyone agrees with them Bladinas.
The discussion being held is also not talking about the first post where they are requested, but a context of no changes.

Void elves were a literal copy paste with a color pallete change :man_shrugging:
Perfect copies stay on their faction as we have seen.

Bruh…it was a joke.

insert you make me sad gif

And you seem to also ignore that not all High Elves are part of the Alliance as well.

very few actually are

not all high elves are blood elves is just a strawman

not all humans are defias but defias dont qualify as allied race material due to their difference of opinion with stormwind :woman_shrugging:

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