High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Woah, so he is also one to actually break a major rule in the Code of Conduct, which could leave his account to being pernamently silence?

That’s cool and all, but Ima have to stop you right here where
Broken are also considered alliance affiliated.

Using game design to try and argue a lore point is a dumb one.
Where was your silver covenant during WoD? Not assisting the alliance.
Legion? Assisting in a joint operation with the horde.
BFA? Nowhere.

Three sisters comic?
Vereesa: I believe in my people’s redemption.

If she believes in her people’s redemption, why would the sister known for standing between the Horde warchief, and alliance assisting sister, promptly break her neutral groundpoint and kill her own people again?

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Come on Bro, that wasn’t at the behest of the horde or doing their bidding. It was a joint operation with the Night Elves and Blood elves… the SC in this case was most suspicious of the Blood elves.


They say it in the recruitment scenario. But you would, wouldn’t you?

Considering people have elf fatigue and like to insult all forms of elves, I think another Elf AR Slot is going to upset a lot of ppl.

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Lots still want Ogres in the Horde, despite them doing way less than SC has for the Alliance.

Silver Covenant High Elves playable for the Alliance!


Aguni, Broflake, Itlatan, Chrysalism, impinge, Mandelion, Roargna, Unwilling, Annoth, Unable.
Pick a name. Unlike you, I don’t hop onto an alt and pretend to be someone else, only to get busted because you can’t stop saying “clutch your pearls” over and over.

Oh and FYI, you admitted to it all. So its less an accusation and more of a reminder.

Yeah…only once you got outed as being Kizzan and a number of other alts.

That is an assumption, and you can’t hold such an assumption without any evidence.

The blood elves are still part of the Horde Ely.
Keep in mind they gave up that alliance leaning behavior after MoP, and haven’t really been all “FOR THE ALLIANCE”.
Which i think is a good thing. Vereesa should be the in betweener.

And them being a unique race that isn’t a copy of what the alliance already has as well. You need to remember these caveats.

Or just make a DK and pretend you’re a high elf.

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First, they might look similar right now in the game, but they are not exactly the same, this is already a biased exaggeration.

Second, it isn’t about how they look right now, it doesn’t matter, they aren’t a playable race and Blizzard didn’t had to put effort into making them totally unique, it’s about how they can look if Blizzard opt for them to become playable, that is the moment when the art and the suggestions might come in hand to give them their own look. (By the way, Archmage, do you still had those images comparing how races looked like before and after becoming playable? those would be good examples).

Third, the models and appearances of the races in the game are not immutable, just take a look on how the High Elves and Blood Elves used to look in Vanilla. So, stuff like “High Elves cannot change their look because they look like Blood Elves and it would require more lore” is a mere opinion and holds no water, it seems more of another excuse and barrier you try to put against their implementation as a playable race.


Blood Elves and High Elves are exactly the same! Why? Because they are the same race.

That’s because they are the same as the Blood Elves. As I said, neither side did not go through any mutation or evolution.

Because you High Elf fans want the lore to change imediately so you can have a race playable?


According to the encyclopedia and devs, they are the same race and people, so yes, they are exactly the same.

What is this nonsense argument? Saying they don’t look different because they’re not playable is nonsense. Mag’har orcs are only brown skinned orcs, and they did not change when they became playable. This is just what if-ism to try and justify playability. That is not how it works. Any changes made to them needs to be reflected on blood elves as well, because, and I cannot emphasize it enough they are the same people.

You mean…back when they looked night elves which is inaccurate to lore?
Back when WoW came out rushed because they hadn’t completed a large chunk of their content?
Back when they wanted the high elves/blood elves to look a certain way that matched their appearance described in WC2, and WC3? Trying to use this argument is faulty because it ignores the entire context as to why they looked that way back in Vanilla.

Btw, where is that quote?.
Yeah, I am going to hound you about the matter until you acknowledge you messed up, or start supporting your accusations.


:two::honeybee::fairy: Mag’har and Zandalari did change by getting their back issues fixed.

To be fair, straight backed Zandalari have been a thing since MoP, or was it Cata?
Straight back orcs has been a thing forever too.

A joint operation to liberate the Shaldorei from Elisande didn’t mean that they were there at the Blood Elves’ beck and call. The Night elves appeared to be in between the Blood elves and The Silver covenant high elves… no fuzzy math.


He didn’t say they were. The original assertion was:

They were working together, I am unsure as to why you believe they’d need to command the other group to assist if they’re doing it mutually.
Night elves were there because Suramar is a night elf city. It would be like invading the sunwell without the blood elves. Doesn’t make much sense yeah?

But the least played ARs in game diaper gnomes and fat humans with tons of threads of disappointment for them, are perfectly fine.

People are always insulted, this is an MMO.


Sorry, but what? Did you actually do that questline and actually see the real truth?

“High Elves were there in the Nighthold cut-scene! They represented 1/3rd of the forces there!”

The two main factions involved in that quest were the Blood Elven forces under Liadrin and the Night Elven forces under Tyrande. Veressa made an appearance so Elisande could insult her and her people for diluting their bloodline with humans (ouch!). Because she showed up to help Tyrande with a glaive thrower and a few of her Silver Covenant does not somehow equate to being one third of the forces there.

quoted from this thread!

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But they weren’t playable till recently is the point.

Yes. Because they aren’t Elves.