High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

To me? Much better, how we argue matters. Very few people are ever likely to change their minds about this subject - but we can absolutely be civil to each other and remember that we’re not enemies; we simply disagree.


I am in agreement, poor phrasing on my part there.

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That’s certainly a possibility.

Well, except those of us who be heading off to game somewhere else the day the faction wall comes down. Except us.

Well now she has blue eyes it makes sense due to her void nature.
Beyond the dark portal though, it doesn’t really make much sense.

Yeah well they’ve been hearing the vast majority of Alliance players against playable Mechagnomes for several months and yet here we are.


As customization options for Gnomes? Yes. Since i don’t see much cultural and ideological differences between Mechagnomes and Gnomes.

As their own Allied Race? Nah.

And they can transmog only 4 pieces of armor, that sucks.


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah not going to lie. Feels bad man.
I am only going mechagnome for the OP racials.

That’s how I feel about all allied races to be honest.
We didn’t need a whole new race for orcs, tauren, Dranei, dwarves.
Simply make them complete new options.
Ah well…more armor mogs for me I guess.

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Not a problem from those who cross faction, since they give a new model for the faction they go and lorewise don’t make sense as customization options.

How Nightborne would work as customization options for the Night Elves if they come from different places? How a Nightborne starting in Teldrassil would make any sense? This critic of the idea “every Allied Race should be customization options” can also apply to Allied Races in the same faction following this line of thought.

And money was probably the main reason why Blizzard made Allied Races over Customization options. Gotta get race and faction changes.


The problem here is that if they “give it a go” and screw it up… its too late to do anything about it.

They won’t remove a race once it goes live.

It’s unlikely they will fundamentally alter lore they just added to the game.

It’s unlikely they will fundamentally alter the aesthetics they initially went live with, even if the aesthetic they came up with proves to be unpopular

Just look at Kul Tirans, Mechagnomes and Nightborne.

The Kul Tiran and Mechagnome aesthetics are very niche and Blizzard has done nothing to add to or change the options for Kul Tirans so far and will not likely do anything for Mechagnomes once they go live. I’m 100% certain Kul Tirans would be way more popular if they could choose to use the standard human model, in the same way orcs can choose to be straight backed or hunched, instead of the beergut/binger model.

Player Nightborne are rightfully criticized for not looking much like their NPC counterparts and Blizzard made some very questionable decisions with their aesthetics by making their limbs almost emaciated (particularly the males) and using harsh lines on their faces to provide detail rather than using more natural shading to contour, which ends up making their faces look old and/or angry. I don’t expect Blizzard to do much for Nightborne beyond maybe giving them a few more face and hair options. I don’t expect their bodies to be changed at all.

I would rather Blizzard not “give it a go” unless they are willing to not only listen to player feedback but actually act on it in a real way, rather than just foisting it on to us via the ptr and making few if any changes based on feedback.


She also had blue eyes before she was voidafied. :man_shrugging:


Well… Relaxing faction restrictions doesn’t mean abolishing factions. However, it could mean allowing more races than Pandaren to choose a faction, where it makes sense. Orcs and humans? Probably gonna be faction locked forever. Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren, Nightborne, and Mechagnomes have… very loose canonical reasons for wanting to pick a side, since their introductions to the factions have both factions helping them. I can’t see many Alliance races going Horde (maybe the Draenei? Because they’re friendly, but then that whole orc thing… Or the gnomes, because… Science knows no politics???) However, Tauren, Goblins, Blood Elves, and the Forsaken could all reasonably go with the Alliance. (Tauren for peace, goblins for profit, blood elves as high elves, and Forsaken under Calia.)


You complain about people ignoring points, but you ignore entire posts :man_shrugging:

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Again, it’s you who are interpreting the what is said in a way that contradicts in game evidence, even when exists another interpretation that generates no contradiction.

Which speaks of a certain level of constant fel radiation to leave a mark, not considering that we don’t know if the Xenedar cleansed trace fel from her every time she returned


The guys are trying to force a interpretation that “contact with fel = tainted eyes”, when it requires “constant contact with fel over an extended period”.

Orcs turned green because warlocks took the roles of shamans. They were constantly casting fel, blessing warriors with fel, summoning demons, using fel in battle, even forcibly maturing children with fel. The clans saw that as the new normal.

Blood elf eyes turned green because they were using fel to power every building and magical contraption around them. Their battery crystals were fueled by fel. And the blood elves were sucking magic out of the local fauna, which most likely ended up tainted by fel.

Both kept that constant contact for months, if not years, 24/7.

A high elf or mag’har (or any other race, really) that comes back after battling demons for a day will most likely cleanse oneself through shaman, light or arcane magic. Soldiers in the field of battle probably take measures to keep themselves clean. The civilians are safely away from danger zones.

There may be the odd event in which someone ends up tainted anyway, but these are the exceptions, not the rule, and in-game models rarely cover exceptions.


Exactly, the context is totally different, we have a clear explanation with examples and differences, yet people STILL argue against.

Even when by the logic presented it’s totally plausible for some Belves to have blue eyes.

It’s like arguing for arguing’s sake.


then why hasnt every elf in allerian stronghold(theyve been there longer then the high/blood elves went without the sunwell) manfiested green eyes, due to the forest being fel tainted and why doesnt summoner nolric also manifest green eyes despite being a warlock trainer and using fel magic :thinking:


It’s all the time like this.

Like when one decided that the blood elves were never an Alliance race, despite Warcraft 3, just because I pointed the timeline for when “blood elves left the Alliance”.

It’s opposition just for the sake of it. Unfortunately, this thread is constantly derailed by it.


OH my god Fire just read a couple comments up dear lord.

Also the Whole “Warlock, must GET green eyes” is silly by itself. Do Nightborne Warlocks get green eyes? Does every race with a limited Warlock contact with fel get a visible taint? No…

Visible changes like Orcs and Blood Elves are because of a prolonged, strong exposure to fel; their cases are the exception, not the rule; all the other evidence suggests that most races can handle a low level of exposure.


I just ignore Fyre permanently. If I ever bother to reply her, it’s due to a moment of weakness.