High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Queldorei and Sindorei are affected for the Sunwell (I don’t know about hinterlands and Void elves).
I know Queldorei and Sindorei are so similar (they’re the same race), but there are a lot of ideas and ways for to do they enough differents of Sindorei, like Blizzard did with Kultirans.
I agree with you, but remember that the most important in this Thread is share ideas, a Lot of people wanna rol a Queldorei.
Thanks. :smile:

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I am against the idea. I would prefer if you stayed a grape flavored elf.

They weren’t just leaving the Horde - they were going to jump ship to the Horde’s greatest enemy, likely ready to start killing Tauren, Trolls, Goblins, Forsaken. What faction they’re in doesn’t really seem to matter to Blood Elves.

The High Elves hosted the Alliance in Northrend Dalaran and supported them throughout the whole expansion, and were their representatives in the Argent Tournament.

Quel’Danil has a long-lasting friendship with the Wildhammer, working together against the Revantusk and Witherbark trolls.

Allerian Stronghold is literally described as a symbol of the Alliance of Humans, Dwarves and Elves.

Which sounds like bologna after High Elves purged Dalaran, tbh. And the pilgrimage aren’t necessarily religious events. The Sunwell is their life support, doesn’t mean they worship it.

Hell, at the start of WotLK it already sounds bizarre, with High Elves in Dalaran literally grouping up to oppose Blood Elves.


I read at one point that some elven rangers had magical nature related abilities, similar to druidism. I will have to see if I can track down where I read it.


Well, at least the Mag’har recruitment quest proved the orcs were right to genocide the draenai. :tipping_hand_woman:

Again though, this was mostly because Lorthemar did not agree with Garrosh’s actions and choices. It was a very pragmatic view that sought to distance the blood elf for their survival. Given that they remained with the horde through Sylvanas’ actions, it is clear loyalty is an important aspect. Pragmatism and loyalty are not exclusive, and if the faction you are a part of stops being what it used to be, can you really be disloyal to it?

Though that is a different lore discussion entirely.
Let alone high elves seemingly have no qualms murdering their own people because of what they did in order to keep from dying out.

There are many who tend to view their allies more fondly, and cases such as Liadrin and Vereesa tend to view those who act for the greater good more fondly. I am unsure of Liadrin recently though, her character along with Voss’ have taken unusual turns.

The idea though, that loyalty is purely a high elf concept is not exactly correct.

They don’t need to travel to the sunwell to receive its energy. They receive it throughout time and space period. The pilgrimage holds cultural and religious values which are shared with the blood elves.
The only reason Alleria was banished was because her void powers threatened to corrupt it, which would have killed all the high elves.

It made even less sense because once the sunwell was restored, the blood elves no longer needed to conduct their draining of magical creatures. If anything, one would think the schism would have slowly begun to heal, until Valeera went nuts with Jaina and began purging them.

To be honest the whole fighting between the high elves and blood elves feels more contrived than it should be.

For example, the blood elves, IMO, would have been better seeking the alliance out. If they can discern the differences between troll tribes, why would they seemingly not discern the difference in the SW alliance vs the Lordaeron Alliance?
Or be bitter that the alliance couldn’t help despite having a pragmatic view?

Well, I’m a Queldorei rol player, that’s the reason why I support this request.
Anything is possible in the future.

Like I said, Queldorei and Sindorei are the same race, but at the same time they’re not the same.



To me it shows very clearly that the Blood Elves don’t care about Horde or Alliance, they just want to be in one faction for the safety it provides. They just joined the Horde at the start because Kael’thas was still pissed about Garithos, or Jaina, or both.

Lor’Themar literally says that he won’t defy Sylvanas because it’d put his people at risk when Baine is arrested. Feels like the same case as Aethas in the purge, not telling on the Divine Bell plot because of what Garrosh might do.

Though really, anyone staying by Sylvanas’ side after Teldrassil is just poor writing.

High Elves were defined by choosing the Alliance over Quel’Thelas. Why would they abandon the Alliance now, after their kin sided with the Horde they fought against?


Isn’t it interesting how their Alliance patriotism only ever seems to surface when there’s a chance for them to enact some petty vengeance on blood elves?

Times indeed have changed


And hey Alleria still counts!


What vengenace did they enact in Northrend or the Broken Isles?


Attempting to keep the Sunreavers out of the Kirin Tor and attempting to keep the Nightborne from allying with Quel’thalas, respectively.

On the other hand, the only reason high elves ever exist was due to obligation and not because of kindness or loyalty. The idea that they believe in it and are not doing it because its where they feel safe seems odd.
high elves believe in loyalty, but, they never cared for the alliance until they were forced to join. Suddenly, after thousands of years they are all about it? It sounds like a matter of joining the side that will oppose blood elves rather than loyalty.

Yeaaaaah, it is rather odd to be honest. There are multiple plot holes that were never explained or expanded upon and I don’t think they will change.

Here is the thing though.
The alliance the high elves chose, are NOT the same as the alliance of Lordaeron.
The Horde they fought in the second war was NOT the same as the Horde they fought alongside during the third war.
The blood elves allied with the horde because it wasn’t the same horde they were fighting. The darkspear trolls were not the same as the Amani, same for the orcs. They recognized this difference.

Why would the high elves fail to recognize this difference if they could recognize the difference between the Lordaeron alliance and SW alliance? It sounds like they are in the alliance purely to just oppose their blood elf kin, which has literally been their recurring them.
They are with the alliance because they are against the blood elves who are on the horde. It makes the idea of it being purely loyalty flimsy, especially because the high elves like Varessa did not seek the alliance out to help until after King Anasterian was essentially black mailed into doing so.

The idea of high elves being loyal is flimsy when you consider their behavior and history. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Good luck on Mythic Crucible of Storms! (as your armory says)

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Uuugh, I really want to raid. I just don’t have time anymore.

It sounds like they finally got outside the borders and Quel’Thelas and found out that “hey, these non-Elven are actually pretty great”

It is its successor. Lordaeron might’ve fallen, but Stormwind and Ironforge survived and thrived, Theramore was founded, and now Gilneas and Kul Tiras have rejoined, while Stromgarde is still being fought over.

Oh yeah, the Horde whose capital is Orgrimmar is totally divorced from Orgrim’s Horde that attempted to destroy Quel’Thalas. Eitrigg, Grom, Saurfang? Never heard of them. Totally sat out of the First and Second Wars.


Doubtful, to be honest, the only one’s who seem to genuinely like them are the one’s named Windrunner. Keep in mind, during the time where the high elves were still one group, many were against the very notion that a human like Nathanos was comparable to their people. After the schism, the only one’s really embracing the human’s were again, the wind runner while everyone else went to the alliance because they had no where else to go. Their numbers were low, they had self exiled themselves from the blood elves, so they stayed with the only one’s they had left.

They didn’t exactly go to shack up with dwarves. They mostly were in Dalaran.

It is its successor yes, but its not the exact same as it used to be. Same for the horde.

Based on that logic, why would the high elves remain with the alliance who is associated with humans who attempted to murder and kill their prince? I mean, if we’re going to damn an entire group because of a notable figure, shall we do the same to the alliance because of what occurred with Kael’thas?

It is totally not like Thrall came in and changed things. No, he totally different.
insert eyeroll here.’

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Edit: Just realized something too that Midare brought up in the other thread. Apparently in the visual guide no one was exiled over dietary choices, so the high elves that stayed with the alliance just…chose the alliance over Quel’thalas when it fell. Which, grossly undercuts their position.

I don’t like this…I need to read it over because it does not sound right.

Yeah. Probably the ones that remained in Silvermoon after Anasterian declared other races to be icky. Y’know, not High Elves.

The only elves known to have been exiled by Lor’Themar (no self-exile happened) were in Quel’Lithien, who are not stated to have officially joined the Alliance and who are almost all dead nowadays.

Quel’Danil literally shacking up right next to dwarves and receiving Draenei missionaries.

Because he wasn’t their prince anymore? Because they agreed with Garithos condemning Kael’thas for allying with notorious villain race Naga? Because they weren’t around when that happened? Dunno.

Garithos was dead, and the Alliance seems to have forgotten him, while the Horde not only still has First and Second War veterans around and in positions of powers, it honors them as heroes.


Not necessarily, we have no means of determining if someone did choose to remain despite their misgivings of humans.

I believe some of them changed their minds and became blood elves, but that was in the encyclopedia 2006 and I am unsure if this was later contradicted.
As far as I know, all remaining high elves tohugh, were the ones who just never responded when Quel’'thalas fell.

Quel danil was established during the second war. After the third war they struck an alliance with the wildhammer dwarves. It was not something they did until AFTER the schism and was done clearly to oppose the trolls who were within the area. You know…because they represented 1% of their original poulation

Except he was still their prince.
The issue of him allying with the Naga was also understood as to why it was done, and they certainly wouldn’t agree with someone who outright hates the elven kind. That would make no sense for them to go “Let me ally with the guy that hates us and wantst o kill us wrongfully?”

let alone the high elves did know about what happened. They simply chose NOT to respond. Which is real bad on their part.

Who have also proven themselves to be strong allies such as when they made Saurfang head general of both alliance/horde armies during the opening of AQ.
He is respected by both factions.
It comes off as very inconsistent with the only likely explanation not being loyalty, but necessity.
ENemy of me enemy is my friend. It works into their whole “we hate our blood elven kindred.”.

I feel like the Elves that chose to remain amongside humans and dwarves are most likely to not hold prejudice against humans and dwarves.

I feel like the High Elves made their allegiance pretty clear when they chose to remain with the Alliance after Anasterian withdrew Quel’Thalas.

Who are still the guys that tried to murderkill them all, who they fought against in the First and Second Wars.

If the choice you get is

  • Remain alongside humans, dwarves and gnomes, who you’ve been working alongside for years, decades or centuries depending where you’re from
  • Join up with the orcs, who tried to kill you and your people for the longest time and are responsible for the worst wars the world has ever seen, as well as trolls and undead and what-not just so you can see your racist cousin again

Feels like the right answer is pretty clear