Hi, how are you and is wow?

Not even reading anything at all.


I know i am going to regret this but ill bite, i have time.

Where do you want to go? What is it you want to do?


Rn I’m going to CAC. We’ll see what uni I go in time. I wanted to be a concept artist but that didn’t work out to well (very competitive). So now going for Marketing, the communication/creative side of it

Can’t use acronyms as i don’t know what CAC is, i’m not from AZ which i am assuming is Arizona but i am now curious since you mentioned Uni and i have only heard that used by Europeans before. Is AZ Arizona or somewhere else?

Marketing, communication/creative side…so you want to learn how to sell stuff?

Central Arizona College, it’s a community college. (Cheaper than a full 4 years at Uni). Some people call it here.

If you want to get specific, Social Media Manager

Ok, so we are in fact talking about Arizona. Yes community college is much cheaper than a larger 4 year college so that is a smart move but has some consequences as to what is available in the job pool at the end of the day.

As far as the job, you want to be a social media manager? A job that pays roughly 50k a year. Average ranges from $34,432 to $56,571 according to payscale…com.

Relevant degrees are advertising, public relations, business, digital marketing , media and journalism.

And the job basically is talking to people on the web about your company while trying to sell them stuff. Or if you want it to be more precise " Manage social media marketing campaigns and day-to-day activities including: Develop relevant content topics to reach the company’s target customers. Create, curate, and manage all published content (images, video and written). Monitor, listen and respond to users in a “ Social ” way while cultivating leads and sales."

What company are you targeting this job with? Are you willing to move?

Well you can’t be to choosy. Yes pick a company I like, but if I get a offer before the company i absolutely want to work for first, I’ll take it. And if later down the road I apply for the company that I really like and get hired, I’m taking it.

Tbh, I’m planning on moving either way, so yes

Insomnia in full swing. Thinking of killing birbs.

WoW could be better.

If the goal is to just get a job then no you can’t.


Again, understandable.

This means your earlier comment about AZ and how expensive it is to live there means nothing. If you are willing to move then it will be different than where you are and you need to be aware of that BEFORE you accept a job in lets say silicon valley for 40k a year.

Also 50k a year job is easy to come by without a college degree (and all the debt it implies if you have to go into debt to get the degree).

Although i will say for a 20 year old you have a very specific job in mind. At least you have the goal. Just remember, everything i have said is true about getting a decent paying job (decent by your standards anyways and that is fine), the only limitation is you.

To be perfectly honest 50k a year is not a very large sum and for me at least is not anywhere close to the time/effort/debt required to get a college degree, although i do admit i don’t know how much debt you are talking about but it still would not be worth it to me even if the debt was small. There are too many ways to make good money for alot less time/effort/debt.

I wish you luck though and hope you get everything you want from it.

Edit: just remember to get that sleep.

50k is decent for 1 person, it’s not a whole big amount, but enough to live comfortably

But with the house and apartment sales rising, I 9/10 won’t be moving anytime soon, tbh

The irony.
You have been making threads every other day saying how much it sucks that you lost the Pell grants and how you’re stressed over it, and how you hate leveling that character because you’re bored doing the same quests over and over again.
I swear we’ve seen at least 4-5 threads you made talking about it.

You should practice what you preach, young one.

And get off your high horse and stop talking down to someone as if you know anything about actually going through a divorce or have any experience.

It’s laughable.



Bored, boring.

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Hmm I am 9 so wow always fun.

Never ever think you cant move forward. It is possible to publish that book you just need to grind in your mind

How about keeping this ^^^^^into account everytime you consider making another complaining thread???

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I could technically publish them all right now, but that’d be a terrible decision. I’d need to set up, at the very least, a paypal account because I have no bank or credit account. I would then need to earn enough money through working to hire a copy editor to polish any grammar or spelling mistakes I missed, but that’s not likely because I live near a small town, where most/all the work is already taken.

This means that, in order to find work, I’ll have to go to the next town over, which requires a car to get there in any feasible amount of time as I live in a rural state. The issue with that is that I neither have a license nor permit, and can’t obtain them because my eyesight is too poor(I failed the vision test.) That means, before anything else can be done, I need to get new glasses, but that’s not happening because no one here has the will nor care to help me out, because others here are metaphorically screaming over me(histrionic, deranged siblings.)

I’m pretty much trapped, forced into dependency on people who aren’t even here 90% of the time, and I hate every moment of it. All I can really do is continue to work on what I’m good at, and try to utilize what I do have plenty of: time. I may not have so much time in the future, so it’s better to make the most of it now.

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Did you really just try to give divorce advice to someone :woman_facepalming:t2: