[H][Hyjal] The Forbidden Rising(AotC Focused) LFM!

Hey guys! If you’re looking, so are we!!! :slight_smile:

More pews please!

We are still actively looking! :slight_smile:

LFM raiders :slight_smile:

Hey!!! Hey Guys!! We can do the thing! :wink:

LF some more raiders for future raids! Open to any spec/class.

Here raiders! C’mon! You can do it!

LFM of that pew pew!

Sent a Bnet request to Hera#1937 from Shiftstealth. Looking to talk about potentially joining. I’ll be floating around to talk in about 13-14 hours (I work the night shift.)

LFM raiders :slight_smile:

We’re still hiring! =p Feel free to message any of us! :slight_smile:

You have times that match up quite well for me.

395 9/9 H DPS DK with Blood experience if needed.

Let me know if melee dps are open to apply!

Hey Aelirex, yea we are open to mdps atm :slight_smile: you can add me and we can chat some if you’re interested to join. Hope to hear from you soon!

Now’s the time guys! Send us a message and join us! We have the best lock cookies and mage mana buns! :wink:

LFM raiders :slight_smile:

Hello! I am interested if you are willing to take in a returning player. Will be starting fresh and I normally take my time leveling because I hate leaving zone quests incomplete lol. Normally play Paladin, DK and Hunter. No tank and heal experience but I do want to learn how. Last thing I raided was SoO on my old account lol

Hey there! If you’re interested in joining just shoot one of the listed Btags an add :slight_smile: returning players are most welcome!

Hera#1937 is my btag

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Awesome! Ill add you tomorrow evening when I am on next. Thank you :slight_smile:

Alright! Looking forward to speaking to you then :smiley:

Still looking for more! Whisper any of the officers listed above!