[H][Hellscream / Zangarmarsh][9/10H] <Beyond the Boundary> Raid team Recruiting

Welcome to our recruitment page!

Beyond the Boundary is currently looking to beef up and fill out our progression core raid group. We are a raid team that wants to progress and down bosses, but we like to enjoy the game at the same time. We intend to hit the ground running, raiding on the first day of every new raid tier release. Come join us in our quest!

We are currently looking for-

Healer - Hpal and Hpriest
DPS - Unholy DK and Ranged

We will always consider exceptionally skilled players of other classes and/or specs


Hellscream / Zangarmarsh / Eredar / Gorefiend / Spinebreaker / Wildhammer

Raid Schedule-

Invites go out 15 minutes before 8pm EST.

Tuesday 8-11pm EST (7-10pm CST / 5-8pm PST)
Thursday 8-11pm EST (7-10pm CST / 5-8pm PST)

Raid Goals-

With the intent to achieve AoTC every raid tier and push mythic progression as far as we are capable.

Expectations for raid

  • Attendance. Consistency is key. We understand that things come up, but consistent attendance is going to lead to consistent boss kills.
  • Research the new fights before raid time so you have an idea of what to expect (Raid leader will provide links for you to check out the week before raid) We do not expect you to be an expert on the fight, but understanding mechanics will lead to successful kills.
  • Know your class. Take a look at Icy-Veins and WoWHead class guides. Use tools like Raidbots, Bloodmallet and WoWAnalyzer/Raid Logs to always be trying to improve yourself. Knowing key aspects of your toon will only make the raid stronger as a whole.
  • Patience is a virtue. With each new raid comes the growing pains of progression. Some things take time and keeping your cool could mean the difference between a wipe and a kill.
  • Come prepared. Raiding is a team effort. Each raid member needs to be personally prepared with Gems, Enchants, Consumables.

Recruitment application!


Contact info

Btag PandaBear#1892 / Discord PandaBear#7958


.Still Recruiting. :slight_smile:

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Come on Sign up Before the new raid comes out everyone.

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We are friendly.

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Sign up Before the new raid comes out everyone.

Get in on the fun times

Still recruiting. Come and join our team so we can hit the new raid stronger than ever!


Still recruiting.





We do things

Still recruiting.






HI. We are still recruiting! come join our group of cool kids!