HH instance limit

It is lol.

The first day I got mine I just ran and jumped for like 30 minutes.

Considering the section this post is in (Wrath Classic), is this a Classic-only change or is it also applied to retail? If not, both should be getting this change.

It should be 10 on retail, they increased the instance cap from 5 to 10 per hour back in MoP 5.4.7. https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Instance_limitations

When’s the sinister squashling achievement getting fixed?

Ah I misunderstood, I thought Classic had the new limit for a long time already. Still pretty easy to hit it in both scenarios with a stable of alts unfortunately.

you can get to 3 attempts in an hour? i only get 3 attmepts if i do some really bad healing since most of my characters are dps that can do HH (or tank but the que time is fast being a healer not tank)

Its five, but any other instance outside of random queues affects the lockout. Now its 10.

Was the mount drop rate nerfed?

I don’t think so. I’ve got 4 on different characters.

Why won’t it drop for me!! Lol :joy:

On my Dk lol. Then did one on the pally and got another mount.

Had not seen any mounts up to this point, and thats the 2nd helm. Rng is rng.

I hate WoW… I really do… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The mount is supposed to be rare. Stop crying about the drop rate. It is not tailored to your wants. people been playing this for years and still haven’t gotten the drop and they are not QQ.

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