Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

you missed Sunday by 2 days

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What about gnomes? The best race in wow

oh right. i forgot to mention the limberness of worgen and night-elves, the ultra-muscles of draenei, the facial-hair of dwarves, and the… uh… big-brain-ness of gnomes… also the wallets of goblins. it’s not all one-way!

It’s not like beauty standards are universal, anyway. Some people don’t like the bikini model look and prefer larger women, so are female kul-tirans and pandaren sexualised characters? Some women are into short guys, so should we have a problem with goblins and gnomes?

This isn’t a rabbithole, it’s a bottomless pit. You could reduce the game to everyone playing as identical blank rectangles, and somebody would probably still find a way to get offended by it.

Play what you like, enjoy whatever aesthetic you like, and don’t shame others for liking things that you don’t.

lol you chubby lil human you… and trolling like the best of em. I am a mature older woman INRL. I miss the vanilla gear that turned heads of other players. I wish the males had the options of chest hair…Tattoos were a very cool idea, that came to be. Now imho, You look at other games the ones with the Asian lil girl figures with very short school uniforms on and showing their under panties… Now to me that is basically overlooked in many ways of toxicity of a (woman/child)…By far, the connotations this visual display conjures up is more than over sexual It’s Illegal irl…Pity you wont reveal your own toon… Poor lil chubby human beard.

They have.
Kul tiran females.

Could not have said it better myself. Like… get a life.

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I can’t believe the men version of this was taken down.

It was not against TOS. It was about equal rights for men. Very sexiest blizz.

Genuinely shocked.

Slow clap blizz

The 21st Century’s garbled online text version of “You sound fat.”

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Princess Theradras as been a… presence… since vanilla.

Why are so many so afraid of chest fat?


No clue, but it’s beyond annoying to hear about it all the time.

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I am SO sick and tired of people “beauty shaming” and “sensual shaming” beautiful attractive sexy women, you can’t hate someone because they aren’t ugly or decide to share their feminine beauty with the masses


Why is this thread still here?

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Let me fix that for you… “YOU want…” not me, I want sexy beautiful as nude as they’ll allow female characters in game


^ I’ll have what he’s having

With all the covering of female skin and shrinking of chests and narrowing of hips and diminishing of bootys I think there is actually an “UNDERSEXUALIZATION” of WOW these days

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less talkin’, more walkin’.

“Troll on! Down the highway!”

It was a troll post and you know it… just like this one is. GG on blaming it on Blizz though as them being sexist. Are you a karen by chance?


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