Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

I identify as a ret paladin…winner winner, chicken dinner!!!

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ret pally go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt

Pretty sure fem human body type is achievable.

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Why? So you can send all the industrial jobs to china for slave labor, while promoting “anti-racism”, then endorsing hard hitting crime laws towards minorities (bill clinton), then revoting in Congressman Byrd (former K k k)?

Yeah okay crazy.

Now that maintenance seems to be over, you won’t be around much longer.
Thanks for the entertainment, I guess?

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I take it that’s the royal ‘we’…? Seems like 11 upvotes in 531 replies is a pretty poor ratio for any other iteration of the word.

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You’re… funny. You should get on CNN. You’d be right at home on the Comedian’s News Network.

Yep. She’s got 99 problems and this is one of them.

You think this is bad wait till next expansion a new leather class that wear tigh black leather outfit like black widow appears

50 Shades of Servers still down.

How nice, which conservatives would those be?

Thanks for more laughs child.


Sandwich maker.

Me too :disappointed:

She has to wear mail or plate or my interest drops sharply.

ah yes. only the ladies getting ‘unattainable body standards’ in-game. unlike the muscular-ness of the orcs, the height/chins of the zandalari, the… neck-hunch of the tauren (okay, that’s a bad example). just sayin, it’s not all one-way y’know?

Unobtainable is only a thing to those too lazy to obtain it.

Not unrealistic. I personally don’t see what you’re talking about. None of wows women are sexualized.
They removed cleavage from Jaina and Sylvanas from what I recall…

Why are you trying to be so antiempowerment and acting like women should be in full nun drab.

Your “feminism” only harms women’s freedom of expression and real empowerment. You talk like a strict Catholic den mother who needs to get outside more.



is sylvanas warchief yet shes such a hottay

First of all, “body standards” aren’t unobtainable. You just have to get off your lazy @$$ if you want to look that way.

Sylvanas is not sexualized. She doesn’t meet the criteria for “sexy” in any but the most degenerate aesthetic. If you feel threatened by her then you have some work to do.

“We”. Who is this “We”? Why do you feel the need to speak for anyone other than yourself? You can’t just give your opinion you have to be speaking for EVERYONE. Well, you don’t. This is your OPINION. Other people have different opinions.

And one last thing: I’d like to know who you feel is ‘oversexualizing’ you in game. Because we all know girls don’t play video games. Everyone who plays a female character is actually an overweight bald guy who’s missing some teeth and can’t get his jollies any other way than to perv on people on the internet.

TLDR? Get over yourself.


My wife thinks Sylvanas is hot.

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