Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

i am a tall sexy night elf

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I think WoW is probably one of the least fan-servicey games I’ve seen in the last 20 years.
Sylvanas was the closest thing to that and, as others mentioned, has actually been covered up more over the years.
We never even got that NE from the Vanilla cinematic

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Prior to seeing this post; I had thought that I already read the stupidest thing on the internet today.


yeah i forget that but she showed belly i think before, so they have toned stuff down

The idiots tend to run in packs. She pushes Racial politics, “Systematic racism” “racial representation” and other ideas within the game also, along with this. It’s not the first thread, it won’t be the last.

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challenge accepted

we need more sexiness in wow and less people like u, i think the last good skimpy transmogs we got were for dh in legion. sad


False. I’m an alien and I have told my people to stay away, far away from here.

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wow i forgot the topic, that dragon lady was probly the sexiest toon but it was not overdone

If they did that, I’d just move to a different game.

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/agree!! :smiley:

It’s hard to diversify in a standard-issue full plate and helmet.

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sargento makes good cheese

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Feta is pretty bomb and versatile


2020 and 2021 have been awful years. Let’s not cap it off with a zerg rush on planet Earth, please and thank you.

More likely the Protoss will nuke the planet from orbit to stop us from infecting the rest of the galaxy.

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Si-M-iley, who knew you were into playing MMOs, too.

Depends on the protoss. Some of them might become good buds with our hot-shot cowboy cops from the midwest and start to realize the value of our human potential.

LOL, knowing nothing about someone and reading a sentence they type
then deciding you know everything about them.

The lack of intelligence is REAL in this one. Thanks for the laughs. Let me know when you figure out how to talk with people instead of being a victim and getting upset over nothing. That you again AOC?

Always like to laugh at the low hanging fruit that out themselves.

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