Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

yeah the bum on the street with the sign says the same thing. way to set the bar high.

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And every male character is a 6’5" towering hunk with smoldering eyes and a six pack. Why is that okay but leggy brunettes with plunging necklines and creamy thighs is a bridge too far?


i am curious how Murica wrecks the world, we are one little country

6’5, i wish, more like 5 9

Why because of your strongly held opinion that is not based on facts?

Everything comes to an end, that is life, you’re a ball of anxiety as if you never knew death was inevitable.

wooot brunettes rock


I like how all the dudes in the background look exactly the same.

ooo that vision line to ultron, a thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts

i think u missed that

they give both male and female THE PEAK of what is apealing to the majority of people. and your arguement is clearly from a hostile intent wanting to take down that which you cant have irl, news flash none of us can achieve their build its not real life its fantasy.

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Thanks, but I like a bit of fanservice. Though I tend to Lorthemar, Wrathion, and, good lord, I would listen for hours even if Sire Denathrius’s voice actor was only reading a damn phone book. :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sylvanas on the other hand also has a character model I love. I will never IRL look like her and I’m fine with that. I definitely don’t want to have to stare at a rotting undead. :expressionless:


lol read me the phonebook


Posts like this shouldn’t even get any attention. They should just be deleted by mods immediately.


Sylvanas is much less fanservice-y now than she used to be. She’s just in good shape now (for a zombie); she used to rock a metal bikini.

They should bring that back.

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Yeah like Blizz cares about paying mods. They have an AI to do that via mob rule.

Pretty sure this body is attainable.


Put a bet on that?

kul tiran women are needing a hug

It is. You just have to not be fat and lazy, which folks these days find as both impossible and an offensive suggestion and requires no less than four hours in a temperature controlled safe space.

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You’re either trolling, or you are one of the most oblivious and biased people I have ever met.

Gnomes, Trolls, Kul’Tiran, Orcs, Pandaren, Dwarves, Worgen, Forsaken, Tauren, Goblins, etc…

I don’t know what in the world you’re looking at that’s so overtly sexualized, but it isn’t in this game. Just because your Human female isn’t 350lbs doesn’t mean it’s a sexual object as you claim. (which is pretty sexist of you, btw.)

Hell, even 90% of the armor in this game looks identical to the male variant’s except for space for the breasts.

The claim that women are overly sexualized in WoW can be true for men using your logic. Look how sexy all of the male characters are. They’re all ripped, low pitched voices, chiseled faces, etc.

You’re either trolling or you’re delusional.

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