Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

words by dumb idiot

get a load of this woke cult tool

thanks lug i was a little fuzzy, still not a january thing

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While important to some extent because of history. Support for Israel does not make someone not an authoritarian of the same nature as the N A Z I S. The prime motivator is hatred of the other. But go look at Greene and her concerns of jewish space lasers if you want to see anti-semitism. Besides support for Israel in the United States is because evangelicals don’t think you can get judgment day without Israel.

oof that n word is really powerful, i think u use it too much

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they aren’t speaking from a place of sound mind, just let them rage

you have a lot to learn, go read a book or several.

I know that Christian evangelicals want the world to end and believe Israel is needed for it to happen.

Basically they’re no different than many terrorist orgs, just christian so you want to treat them better.

You don’t have to fear or hate someone to do the things they did. But it makes it easier to demonize an emotion. What most Germans feared was the Anti-fa mob in Germany who were primarily organized and pushed by Jewish sympathizers. Lenin, Stalin, and others had involvement with this.

This literally gave fuel to the Regime itself, however hatred doesn’t make someone a “N a z i”.

And “N a z i” aren’t “far right”, they’re centrist authoritarian. Far right would be Reagan. But Reagan wasn’t authoritarian either.

According to socialists and others, anyone who is capitalist by definition, is “far-right” so you could literally say a progressive is “far-right” by that definition.

I don’t think you truly grasp or understand the gravity of the words you’re using, let alone understand fully in concept what it is.


oh so you are deep in the conspiracy tin foil hats, ok well it is really nice outside


I’d say it’s less of tin foil hat with him and more of strong crippling tisms.

yeah but a vent is still a vent

boy you sure are leaving out a bunch of info and context and also other offending groups

If you want empowerment, you can find that studying STEM. I wouldn’t look to a FANTASY realm for that. You think the male models are realistic? GTFO.

and vents are good

I understand that in 50 years our species will be dead because of the political schism created in the US. This will lead to civil war and we will use nukes. Our species is a dead man walking and it’s the Christian Right in America’s fault.

So you want to generalize and blame all christians like the N a z i’s did to the Jews?

I find some serious irony in your fear mongering.


I may be going for a stretch, but I think someone is just jealous of a fictitious characters body type.

ow i want to chase chicks still in 50 years, can u make it 70?

We are all going to die for what has happened in America. End of story.

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