Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

Donald Trump’s hair

Maybe for human men…


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based blizz forum comments

wait bouncing pirate boobs?

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That’s not how that works.

Also you should change your name to Woke or Superlib or AOC some other term that shows everyone your ridiculous points of view. Last week it was about white people and this week its about women.

AOC is that you?


Stay the hell away from my toon i m gonna flip if someone decides to change the look of my toon it already has !

i need to google everquest

Smiley is the local SJW who tries to push Racial politics, and Feminist politics in game all the time.

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oof really hot take

You probably don’t even know what a “N a z i” is, you also probably couldn’t identify their economic policies or how their government is structured either. In fact I would wager, you know very little.

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lughna i am sending u a non suggestive hug

Take a look at FFXIV.

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i still need to google ffxiv

They were a right wing authoritarian regime that used fear mongering of the others to come to power through a series of putschs similar to the failed putsch of January 6. They then used their power against minorities (Mostly the jewish population.). This is what people are advocating for on the right.

There is so much YES to this post.

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oof i like the word putsch but i don’t think that was a january thing

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i think we are still pretty big fans of israel, support and stuff

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Wow that was so vague you could have described the USSR.

Definition of putsch

: a secretly plotted and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government

“h t t p s : / / w w w .merriam-webster.com/dictionary/putsch”

This is a fantasy game I want ALL my men looking like Conan/Hercules and ALL my women looking like red Sonia/Xena

You want average go hang out at Walmart or downtown