Hey what happened to

It feels like after Wrath Blizzard didn’t know what direction to take the Forsaken


Completely agree with you. Once Cataclysm rolled around, they doubled down on the comedy and villainy to the point it was more funny than tragic or shocking.

And then with Calia Menethil suddenly becoming what she is, and Sylvanas… The story of the Forsaken looks bleak. At least Nathanos is alright. A bit grating, but alright.

Would have loved his old model though.

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But then how could Steve Danuser publicly live out his necro fantasies in a way that we all KNOW what’s going on?

Personally I find Nathanos far more insufferable than either Calia or Sylvanas.

I suppose that comes down to it feeling like he doesnt really have much of a personality beyond “I hate everyone and everything save for Sylvanas and also Im better than everyone”.

Which is a shame because he was one of the most promising Forsaken NPCs from Vanilla.

Most forsaken NPCs are dead weight imo


Nathanos is just so…cringey. Even if we completely remove That Guy from the equation, it’s just so obvious when Nathanos has been inserted into a scene that he has no business being in and how all his brilliant plans work out because of six-inch plot armor.

And how he also seems to be able to be everywhere at once. The more we talk about it the more I am realizing, by god Danuser must have blackmail on somebody to keep getting away with thrusting his character into literally every single scenario.

The original incarnation of the Darkshore scenario is what got me the most. That Elune Powered Vengeance Warrior Tyrande barely touched Nathanos. That it only seemed to change after constant backlash (which included a fairly scathing review from Red Shirt Guy if I’m remembering correctly).


I’ve always tried to RP the non villainous aspect of the Forsaken. Don’t get me wrong, Sarestha’s done some terrible things in Sylvanas’ name by justifying them as being a part of the Greater Good, but I always sorta saw her as a well-intentioned zealot. Someone who was immensely loyal to the Banshee Queen, but not a cackling apothecary making Blight and plotting evildoings. So I admit, I have a soft spot for the sort of thing I’m about to mention.

But I fundamentally disagree with your statement because I think it contradicts itself, in a way. You’re right about two things. The Forsaken have been portrayed as nothing but muahahaha villains since Cata, and Calia’s resurrection as a Lightforged undead is a very unexpected and sudden twist. But I don’t think this means the future of the Forsaken looks bleak. If anything, it gives me hope for the future.

You see, Before the Storm presents the Forsaken in a very, very fascinating way. We see their human side in the Desolate Council, which is of course comprised of members who actually mostly revere Sylvanas, but don’t necessarily agree with her direction for the Forsaken. For the first time in a while, we see Forsaken who aren’t necessarily just plot devices for Sylvanas’ story. Forsaken who are more than just “Arrows in her quiver.” Instead, we see the free will working. They’re thinking for themselves, and their opinions do not necessarily align with their Queen’s.

The advent of Calia as a Forsaken could be an interesting counterbalance to the traditional mould, to the senseless villainy. My fear is that it will simply flip the Forsaken, who will suddenly all become “good guys.” My hope, is that it will better showcase the rift in Forsaken society - the fact that some Forsaken simply wish to live their second chance at ‘life’ in the Kingdom they reconquered (mostly) during the Cataclysm. Not all want to keep on blighting the living, and filling their ranks with more Forsaken. Some just want to settle down, and I think that’s interesting. It gives me hope for more nuance in the Forsaken story, and while I DO think Calia’s introduction has been rushed, I’m not against her becoming a significant Forsaken for that reason.

If she becomes an Alliance racial leader I’ll be a bit down. I’d like to see the Horde Forsaken awaken both parts of their nature in a lore-way. Let them drop some of the senseless villainy, and showcase a few more sides to their nature. The Forsaken have the potential to be a very diverse and interesting race. And so I think that Blizzard is actually finally stepping towards that. Or at least, I hope they are.

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My snap judgment is to say its likely she’d be Alliance if only because “Lightforged Undead” is a super easy Alliance Allied Race when they’ve openly admitted to having an easier time designing Horde Allied Races.

That said my hope is for Sylvanas to be ousted and for a second Desolate Counsel to be set up with representative of varying factions of the Forsaken. Personally I’d kind of love to see Alonsus Faol end up as the sort of moral backbone to the Forsaken.

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I know this is a bit late but there are still Forsaken guilds around. Primarily the Shadows of Lordaeron, the Royal Apothecary Society and I believe Deathguard of Sylvanas. However, you’re unlikely to see them in Orgrimmar. The RAS hangs out in Tarren Mill a good bit and the others tend to only get together for events.

As stated previously, many folks are in Classic right now and many are taking a break or have quit. I don’t think as many Forsaken have been lost due to the moral issues of the story as of late.

I edited my post approximately fifty times so as to avoid seeming like an idiot


Plus, to state again, who WOULDN’T want to go back to Old Brill? That alone is like 8/10. So much nostalgia in Old Lordaeron.

Man I would love to see both of these things. If Calia does become Queen in any way, I’d prefer that it’s a constitutional monarchy - one where she’s actually accountable to the will of the people, and not just dictating it herself. The Desolate Council would be a great medium for this to take place.

Also Alonsus Faol would be amazing as a religious leader for the Forsaken, especially if the new symbolism of their race showcases both the good and evil aspects of their people. He’s basically the lead priest of Netherlight, one who sees a bit of a balance between Light and Shadow… just like the people he would be spiritual leader of, in theory. That’d be nifty.

As for this, I’m not sure what their plans are. In one way, the fact that Calia initially encouraged her people to move into Stromgarde at the Arathi summit worries me. But at the same time, she said that what she learned is that she still believes in her people, and she knows she has to protect them. That could go either way - protecting those who choose to follow her within the Alliance, or trying to reform the whole race within the Horde.

I know this much. If the Lightforged undead become an allied race, it’ll be yet another big divide between the factions in RP. It’ll push a lot of the “evil” Forsaken to the Horde, and a lot of the “good” Forsaken to the Alliance, and continue to perpetuate this current model that we’re all sick of - that the Alliance are 100% the good guys, and the Horde are 100% the bad guys. We need a bit more nuance than that, so it’s my hope that Calia eventually becomes a Horde leader (when the Horde reforms of course), not an Alliance one.

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No matter which faction she ends up on, Calia would instantly become a messiah figure for the Forsaken. And I don’t like that.

I agree because I think unfortunately part of the problem the OP is experiencing is without Brill there’s less visibility towards Forsaken RP.

Even with the Cata changes, Brill was a pretty decent RP hub. It wasn’t as bustling as the other usual spots like SMC and Org but it was still better than nothing.

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Patch 8.3.5:

A group Lightforged undead known as the Forgiven join the Alliance, led by Her Blessedness Queen Calia Menethil, True Heir of Lordaeron. Their introductory scenario seens them protecting a herd of babies from bloodthirsty Forsaken.

Meanwhile, the Horde gets a coven of flesh-eating San’layn known as the Doombringers.

You could save a lot of time by giving the Alliance a Shiny Paperweight and the Horde a Particularly Evil Hamster as the new allied races and the outcome would be basically the same.

In 9.0 the Horde will get Chaos Space Marines and the Alliance will get one (1) very confused Imperial Guardsman.

I’d love to see a more nuanced Horde and Alliance. Unfortunately my particular brand of Blizzard flavored nihilism is preventing me from thinking it will ever happen.

Horde players will follow a new hero into battle as Gorgrosh’otar Bloodfistaxeblade leads them on a morally gray quest to burn down every civilian citizen’s home in Azeroth to safeguard the Horde from being called dorks by smartmouthed kids.

In retaliation, the Alliance have elevated a new champion: a nice new coffee maker. As the Horde grows bolder and continues to destroy kitten orphanages, the Alliance will respond in a series of exciting new quests called Trials of the High Barista*, wherein they create a new coffee shop to serve tea and lattes to save Azeroth.

*if there’s time