Hey, vanilla warlocks. Demon question

The succubus has two strengths: CC of humanoids, and heavy damage. She’s really powerful with some Destro builds, especially in PVP. In PVE she’s not as bad as some think—I remember her being able to tank an elite or two back in vanilla, since with our combined damage they would go down quick. My voidwalker could definitely tank more mobs, though.

PVP seducing should be reasonably obvious. PVE seducing requires some party awareness, and positioning. I had macros to announce I was seducing, and not to break. You can seduce as part of the pull, or ideally right after, so that your CC target stays put while the pulled mob(s) moves toward the tank. When (not if) your CC gets broken, you can reapply immediately, or pull/fear-juggle the mob for better positioning. I had a macro that would automatically track my CC target to make things easier. Searing Pain is great for pulling aggro if necessary, but the succubus alone may be able to pull aggro, assuming she doesn’t already have it.

The succubus is good to sacrifice for +15% damage, but keep in mind that’s just one option. Demonic Sacrifice and Master Demonologist make for high situational versatility, and the situation you most want to sacrifice your succubus is when no pet will be useful or able to survive.

For all pets, positioning and timing are useful. Ideally you and your demon are not close, so that you don’t both get hit with AoE attacks. In PVE, you can time your attacks to alternate aggro, keeping mobs running between you or switching targets so they never get any hits in. Even for the voidwalker this is useful as you approach new skill ranks, becasue the effectiveness of her taunts drops pretty significantly about then, talents notwithstanding.

I used this (not necessarily with the talent, however) to farm large groups of mobs, especially furbolgs in northeast Felwood. I would have my Voidwalker aggro the whole village, DoT them up, use Health Funnel to keep the Voidwalker up as needed, and finally run in with Hellfire or Rain of Fire to finish them all off at once. The downtime was waiting for everything to respawn after that. :smiley:

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Succ was good mainly if you were out in the actively trying to PvP, VW was good for leveling Wpvp due to sacrificie giving you a massive shield vs gankers and was actually useful vs mobs

If you’re not going to drain tank and are going to just run a void, it’s pretty silly to not have that talent. If you’re going that route better pick up improved void and also unholy power too. Voidwalkers are kinda crappy for leveling baseline when you’re lev 30+, they can’t hold agro for crap without the talents.

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I remember a warlock on my server would seduce and one-shot when double trinkets was a thing. If it didn’t Crit (5k+) he’d re-seduce and it would be a measly two-shot. Absolutely redonkulous.

Succy was situational for PvP. You can “get by” as a warlock running one minion but in reality, the entire point of warlock was a minion for different situations. In PvP you can’t just run a summon and forget it play style. It all depends on what class you are facing and what the team needs at that moment.

I found her handy when I was guarding flags in AB. If I set her to defensive, turned Seduce on Auto, and Lash of Pain off, she’d automatically seduce the first player to hit me without me having to do anything.

It worked pretty well against pesky rogues because as soon as they touched me they’d get seduced.

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The succy has a few uses.

  1. An extra CC where u can’t afford a fear gone wrong.
    2.She’s actually “good” dps when shes oom unlike the imp which does nothing.

Asto PVP she is your strongest option unless you need the felhunters interupt that being said Coil seduce soulfire is a good interupt combo that will leave your target unable to cast till they rez.

The sac build is a raid build and she is your prime candidate for sacrificing unless you’re set as the tanks mobile imp buff. BUt that’s only if you went that route and didn’t use a different raid build.

Imp-Giving the stam buff to tanks,fights with heavy target switching.
Voidy- pve grinding,soloing stuff
Puppy- Good for grinding or questing when you need interupts,good option for lock tanking with soul link.
Succy- as previously mentioned but isn’t bad for grinding mobs.

Locks are so spoilt for options,builds and play styles it really suprises me they’re not as popular on private servers.


I thought Warlocks use Succ as destruction for Soulfire nuke.

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I liked to banish other Warlock’s demons instead of trying to outright kill them. It always seemed to take a bit for them to realize what had happened.

You use all of them. Every demon has a purpose.

I run a 5/31/15 Soul Link / Shadowburn build for most of my World PvP and Premade BGs and with [Fel Domination] I have the luxury of hand-selecting demons for each specific ganking scenario. I generally have a Void Walker out as a default, can Sacrifice him whenever appropriate in the fight (if even needed at all) and then I have four Fel-Dom macros written to near-instantly summon the demon of my choice at the time:

For Mages, Priests and Warlocks I generally Fel-Dom a Fel Hunter for the dispels and spell lock (and resistances with master demonologist btw!)

For Warriors, Rogues and Paladins I tend to Fel-Dom a Succubus because her DPS is actually rather high and Seduce is extremely clutch and nigh-spammable.

For Hunters I tend to Fel-Dom an Imp because it’s the only ranged demon and usually my other demons get kited or easily trapped. The extra HP from Blood Pact and then Fire Shield aren’t negligible and with Improved Imp 3/3 and Improved Firebolt 2/2 (and being an Orc for the extra 5% demon damage) my little Karfip freaking turrets off nearly 200 damage Firebolts. He’s a monster.

I generally don’t summon Infernal unless I desperately need the stun and things are going really badly…

Obviously this answer is different from a PvE perspective. Generally Imp is the best pet to have out for dungeons / raids but you can make an argument for good Succubus use in 5mans for extra CC. And a lot of raiding builds will sacrifice the pet (usually Succubus) all together and then you’re just a pet-less Shadowbolt machine.

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I liked using the imp for a mana battery and stam buff, but I wasn’t well optimised on my lock back in the day…

This is a pretty good write-up.

I would add to make sure the seduce pet ability is on a keybind.

Dude, stop giving out all our PvP secrets. There are already going to be too many warriors with pocket healers this time around. :sunglasses:

This is very good if they’re not running a felhunter. If they are it can be annoying since the felpuppy has the resistances.

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The counter to warriors with pocket healers? Troll shadow priests! Hex of weakness, mana burn. Where’s your heals now goofnugget!

That’s an industry term. Goofnugget.

Well I’m an Orc Demo Lock with a pocket Rogue. Let them come :slight_smile: :eggplant:

You just gave me my warlocks name for Classic. :grin:

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LOL. I actually have a toon named Donkeypunch.

Surprised the name has not been flagged yet. :grin:

Awe man, I bet it was a good one too. :grin:

Nah I deleted it because I messed up the format and quoting got all weird. Trust me you didn’t miss anything