Hey! May the Fourth Be With You!

I’ve just been so bummed out about Star Wars for years.

I know I can just ignore Disney’s garbage, but with the uncertainty of whether new things will connect to a broken canon, I’d just rather not make the emotional investment in new material.

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I mean if you are ignoring the stuff on Disney+, you are missing out in a major way lol.

When you don’t say may the fourth be with you.

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The last 3 movies were trash… but Mandalorian is some really good stuff…
Book of Boba Fett wasn’t bad, but he talked to much.

I watched Mando and enjoyed it quite a lot, but with the potential that future seasons may connect with Disney’s trilogy, there’s always the potential that I’ll have to reject it.

All the fancy sets and flashy fight scenes can’t fix a fundamentally broken story.

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it was decent then the we got the terrible ending / power rangers cyborgs duo

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rumours say ahsoka tano will probably undo it because the logo it self hints at world between worlds… I HOPE THEY DELETE DISNEY STAR WARS MOVIES! we need mando Luke to… not the milk drinking hermit that ruined him forever…


That’s my hope. I don’t even mind the idea of grumpy hermit Luke in theory, but the justification was ludicrous.

The Mando is definitely the best SWs to come out since Disney took over. Rogue One was also good. But Mando just captured everything that was great about the old school SW.

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I avoided it until well after season 2 was out because I was afraid of getting emotionally invested. The potential of it legitimizing the trilogy is always looming overhead.

But based on rumours, leaks and general plot logistics, I’m at least somewhat confident that it will serve to undermine the problems rather than perpetuate them.

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I feel you. I really do. I highly recommend the Mando series. It’s well worth a watch.

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I did end up watching it after all and loved it! I just worry about future seasons.

Oh yeah. Who knows? Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau know their SWs and as long as Disney doesn’t muck it up it should be pretty good. I dunno how many seasons they are planning but I will at least give them a shot and hope for the best.

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