Hey, is it just DH the problem?

Wonder why he keeps dodging this question :thinking:

Its also looking like he played with a certain russian healer and WW who have been known to “play with friends”


Maybe he met them in LFG.

He’s purposely ignoring your posts and his claims and tunnel visioning only his one desired narrative. It’s the only thing he can possibly due (Outside of the forum walk of shame lol.) to avoid having to back up his actions.

It’s really showcasing what a weak personality some folks have :slight_smile:


His posts are detail oriented which is why you probably don’t like that as outside of being beyond you; it is probably laziness to engage in meaningful discussion especially when you are banking on people forgetting everything outside of what you want.

Priceless :slight_smile:


Yep! I feel like everyone else who read the thread can see plain as day. That being said, I’m sure hes just frustrated that his achievement would seem devalued if it was his class and not his ability. I even gave him the BOTD earlier in the discussion.

That being said, in looking through his games, he played with two well-known EU boosters who are famous for “playing with friends”


That would explain the 2200 rating in SS through 500 games while he got glad on the easiest SS class in the game.


Crazy lol but perhaps not all that surprising. I guess those “friends” are not going to be able to help him with his warrior, lock since he doesn’t want to talk about that haha :slight_smile:

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It is not only DH, it is also rogues, probably destro and so on. Too much damage, too much survivability and too much control results in imbalance.

But yes, those 3 are so much ahead and so noob friendly, that people just don’t want to play the game!

I agree that those are the strongest specs/classes right now, but I really dont think that warlock or rogue are noob friendly. I actually think theyre some of the harder classes to play.


It really bears noting that there’s been one season in the last decade where rage required any thought and yet arms players are confident in calling every spec exactly as easy to play as their own

No dps rotation is difficult but by relativity very few of them (dh, notably )are THAT easy


Dredh, initially i wasn’t “digging into” your account. However, someone else did and brought to my attention that in your two-week climb from 2k to 2500 and gladiator you played with some known EU boosters. Is this why you’re so defensive and sensitive?


Bro, I don’t play wow or forums for a year and somehow read this whole thing where you have been so patient with numbers with this dude.

I’ll buy you a chipotle burrito for your sainthood


Current season dh needing boosters to get above 2.4k is WILD


Swole using his psychology degree to try and make Buhdee look like Kennie now after the Grandpa attempt failed.


And another boosted ape with an ego outs themselves on the forums. They just can’t help themselves after getting that rating they coveted so much. Let’s try to get his mount taken away and send him packing.


Im always happy to be patient and help people out and I’m pretty good with numbers! At first I thought this was a super teachable moment to engage with a player and have them see what it’s like to play the game from a POV of a different class. Almost everyone who mains a broken class cant always tell when it’s broken if they dont play other specs to see and feel the other end.

I was totally willing to give the guy the BOTD and wanted to sympathize with and celebrate him getting his first glad. Unfortunately, it turns out that he bought it too from RMT boosters :confused:
Really disappointing to see in the community.

Marry me


How do I partake in this?

I’m going to email Hacks@Blizzard.com with his info.

You can use this template:


This is just to report that player “Name-Server” may have used real money transactions (RMT) to get boosted by his 3v3 teammates for the Gladiator achievement between the dates of February 8th and February 18th 2024. Please look into this matter and thank you for your time.


DH is annoying but R Druid is 10 times more annoying. People just tend to complain about them less because there are soooo many druids in this game.