Hey, how's it going?

Feeling overdue for a new main so I’ve rolled a future cave human, in the hopes that the Arathi are cool! They are the most intriguing part of the War Within for me, and I enjoy playing Paladin, so I figure… why not!

is meanwhile blasting Deeprock Galactic’s soundtrack in preparation for War Within as I give a leery sideeye to the potentially problematic cave humans given WoW’s track record with militaristic groups

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People keep deleting threads and I am infuriated.

We are in a discourse drought right now. No 1k+ threads. No slapfights. We desperately need the engagement that mindlessly posting in a thread started by someone who got lost.

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idk i think dragon flight is fine, i really liked the blue dragon flight side storyline and getting the family back together to become the fast and furious flight. its also refreshing that our big bad is some tall lanky goofy fire guy that wants to burniate the world and that’s way more interesting than whatever the jailer was trying to do and everyone being like oh no what is sylvannas doing. Isn’t it refreshing we actually know what the bad guy wants to do?? Is it just silly SET EVERYTHING ON FIRE yah but I’ll take it. Is DF perfect and great story telling? Nah, that’s why I just read another book for that but I also don’t play WoW for deep thoughtful story telling either, it’s like the saturday morning cartoon I watch while eating overloaded sugary cereal.

Anyway, I’m still obsessed with dwarf fortress right now and I started a third settlement and trying to set up an irrigation system. My main water source people kept falling inside and drowning so it’s full of dead bodies lmao.

My doctor got elected mayor but he’s also like this amazing genius that is good at everything it’s almost hilarious. Whenever I open up a job menu to assign someone he’s almost always at the top listed as legendary at whatever it is. I did make him the bard at my main tavern cuz bro is also a legendary singer lmao. No wonder they elect him as the mayor, he patches them up with his legendary skills and then sings like the legendary queen beyonce to them in the tavern every night.

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Managing water sources is an endless font of chaos for me. I retired the fort Norman and Juspion lived in because it was getting too big, and in my new one I dug a canal into a cavern’s underground lake and had it flow into my tavern as a pleasant decorative river/fountain thing. Cute right??

Well I got a huge jumpscare when I was watching my dwarves enjoy mushroom beer in the tavern when this thing jumped out of the fountain


My dwarves have a knack for attracting web-spitting amorphous monsters and this one had no norman to fight it or gate to keep it out of the heart of the fort so it killed all ~60 dwarves living here.

Anyway that fort is the lair for a horrifying lovecraftian monster now and I learned the lesson of, um, monsters don’t mind swimming through a river to get into your tavern and I shouldn’t leave open waterways into caverns.

I’m really looking forward to the upcoming “adventure mode” because it will be fun re-visiting all these places I’ve made (and accidentally led into ruin) as an adventurer plundering the lair of the tavern-fountain-monster. It is some comfort when a fort collapses into ruin that I’ve created a dungeon for a future adventurer to explore.

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Yah!! I’m really looking forward to adventure mode!

I tried to make a fort in an area with haunted woods and warned there are werewolves lurking but y’know what actually killed my settlement? FRICKIN OWLS! Every time I guy popped his head outside an owl would just merc em! I managed to build out a little bit of a base underground but too many died to owls before I could get all my supplies underground. I tried to reclaim but immediately everyone was killed BY OWLS that I just left it to ruin, the owls can have it!!

Can’t wait to send my adventurers back to see what the heck is up with these owls.

Also my current fort, I decided to make the only entrance a long narrow passage with fortifications along the corridor so should something invade my marksdwarves can shoot it up with arrows. Yah, well so an Ettin invaded and my marksdwarves took too long to muster that it got into my main fort but my entire settlement descended upon it like fire ants and just beat the crap out of it till it died.

What themes AREN’T potentially problematic in Azeroth? The premise of the whole game is some big race wars xD I’ve always been a big lame human fan, even if the majority of that has been expressed through the lens of a Forsaken (it’s Sarestha if that wasn’t obvious)

The character is a bit of a placeholder because we know next to nothing about them, but turns out I really enjoy how Paladin plays, and I’m sick of waiting around for Blizz to make Forsaken Paladins so I can finally level Saresthagain. Given that the Arathi are supposedly enduring internal conflict I anticipate I’ll be on the less problematic side. I’m less interested in isolationist Cave Scarlet themes, and more interested in engaging with the wider world, which will probably leave me on the “good” side, I imagine. I rather like the idea of ripping someone out of an isolated, embattled society and yeeting them unceremoniously into a global conflict against the forces of the void, where they have to face the wreckage of all they knew (wtf did you buggers do to Strom!?!), the new arrivals (okay let me get this straight: the blue tentacle monsters are friendly and the trolls have gained bulky green men but they are also friendly at present…) and other fascinating new changes like the sky existing.

Idk, just has enough in there to intrigue me.

I like trolls too, I promise xD Humans are simply my favourite and I’ve never been ashamed of that bias!

I think the lack of faction war has calmed us all down tbh. We’re all just chilling out, thinking of Kalec Toretto and the family we’ve built alongside him

I wonder how long before they retcon the troll accents.


The truth is out there. We all were led to believe that the horde was behind the destruction of the Night Elf home. I recently came across some disturbing information that it may have actually been the Gnomes who destroyed Teldrassil. I’m doing my best to sift through the information provided to me by my sources who will remain anonymous.

Other than that, I’m doing well thanks.


Clearly, you’re confused. We would never do such a thing and frankly, I am offended that you would toss such an accusation so casually out there.

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia. It was the Tauren who burnt down Teldrassil and I’ll hear nothing else about it.

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Heinous lies and slander. Baine doesn’t do a damn thing in any expansion. I have on good authority it wasn’t the Tauren but Ragnaros getting revenge for 20 years of being bullied.

And having legs.


Am I the only one who has wondered what exactly the Gnomish Special Forces were doing in the wilderness around Thunderbrew Distillery and Steelgrill’s Depot?

We were asked to parachute into one of the GSF Forward Operating Bases scattered throughout Dun Morogh. We were told that it was to assist them in a fight against the Trolls. We were given a device designed to shrink troll builders. We didn’t think to ask why back then. I still have nightmares that I was actually being used as a pawn to test top secret Gnomish technology on unsuspecting trolls.

I ask all of you, what was the true purpose of those shrink ray boxes? Was it just the beginning of a grander, more nefarious Gnomish plan?

I will get to the bottom of this mystery.

Well I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say I’m intrigued

In Dragonflight, Baine goes through the emotional pain of losing a friend. In Shadowlands, Baine is choked out and traumatized after being tortured in the afterlife. In Battle for Azeroth, Baine is brutally arrested and nearly executed.

Did he get effed up in Legion, too? I’m sensing a pattern.

You telling me the gnomes shrunk down Teldrassil and now have it as a bonzai tree on an office desk somewhere?

Hell yeah


Clearly Baine is a masochist…

I’ll accept this as canon and get slain for it.

How’s it going on topic…

It’s amazing how such little things end up influencing everything sometimes.

I rolled a Mechagnome named Gadget when they first came out. (I’ve been saving that name for YEARS in the hopes we’d finally get them) I was devastated when it basically resembled a robot in diapers. No matter what I tried, I could not be happy with how they looked and so Gadget sat all this time at level 10, sadly collecting dust and haunting me every time I logged on.

I had also saved the name Cyborg, but I let that name go a few months ago. I hope whoever got it, is enjoying it and using it. I was debating letting Gadget go, but I held onto hope that one day I’d find a way to be happy with my little robot friend.

I recently picked up the Wastewander set off the Trading post and logged onto Norman, playing around with the set and it hit me. I logged onto Gadget and everything just came together. So, now I have a level 70 Hunter named Gadget with two hunter pet battle chickens.

So, it’s going good actually.


Dragonflight was just too soft and wishywashy, plus I just don’t care about dragon lore. Never cared about it in the RTS days, never cared about it now. There was too much peace and low or otherwise poorly explained peace for me.

Also? All the voice acting sucked.

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The voice acting did suck.

I’m stunned. Voice acting has been consistently excellent in WoW since Wrath of the Lich King. What the heck happened? It felt like they were pulling in DoorDash delivery drivers to play Kalecgos.

I hope he Kalecgoes away.