Hey Blizz... your PvP team is pathetic

Lol @ that tmog and you are a cow

Correct. Merc mode is the result of Blizzard ignoring the built-in warnings of their game!
High queue time on one faction? That’s a warning light that something is wrong.
Blizzard put a piece of tape on top so they wouldn’t have to see it.


Why do they now lock up their lunches?

And they have done it, and continue to do it, in hopes we don’t notice. After all, they give us very little credit when it comes to actually owning brains, as can be noted with Ion worrying we might not be smart enough to buy the piece of gear we need…


Merc mode is a great solution for just Bgs.

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The only issue I see with merc mode is that to an outsider the whole idea would look absurd…

“Not enough players from the other faction signing up for bgs? Here, have this temporary buff so you can PvP against yourself”

From the outside, it sounds like a really weird “solution”.

Rather than find a way to somehow increase the population of faction A (to address the actual underlying issue of not enough players), the “solution” is for faction A to simply “borrow” players from faction B to make up for the shortage of players on faction A.

Seems like a lazy fix when you look at it this way :thinking:


What do you expect them to do, outside of forcing people to transfer?

Free faction xfer would be awesome. I’d bring some more of my guys over.


That’s a start.


I agree nerf alli racials - its about time. Alli dominating bgs over the years - year after year needs fixed!

Because it IS a lazy fix. Actually, it’s not a fix at all. They’re ignoring their own game which is warning them about faction imbalance…

You ARE a troll, aren’t you?

I’m not sure I understand the purpose of even saying this. Are we supposed to lose to help with your self esteem?

This is quite literally a gitgud situation


No one is asking you to lose to help anyone’s self esteem. And the faction imbalance being virtually encouraged by continuing to have merc mode in the game is not a git gud situation , at all. My self esteem is just fine, but I do have to question the self esteem of someone saying ‘git gud’ in response to a concern over a gameplay imbalance that is helping them stay on top.


It really is.

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Let them bark and bleet.

Yea this would be alright by me honestly. I’d do it with a fair number too…

Other than them losing money from xfers I don’t see why not? Digitally it actually takes a pretty small amount of effort. Kinda funny that they charge as much as they do for an xfer.

Retards like me pay it so why not lol.

Haha I hear ya. I made this guy orc ages ago because it was op. Soooo ugly though so had to come back to my roots (pre orc buff to standing)…

I don’t say do it forever, gotta make that dough… But I think a temporary open to balance crap out a bit would help their overall sub numbers enough to make it monetarily worth it? Could be wrong though.

It’s like telling one of the superbowl teams to move all of their starters to the opposing team and telling the bench of the first team to “git gud”.