Hey Blizz, AV is broken!

I just wasn’t for sure if anyone at Blizz could read:


This idea has been talked about for a long time and we’ve made attempts to get attention from Blizzard before.

Thanks for bringing it up again but I’m not holding my breath on them doing this. They’ve had many months to do something.

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Maybe a daily thread pointing to the same well spoken post being re-posted by different players would get a response. AV was my favorite BG and to come back to this mess just really hurts.

Those have been tried with many aspects of the game and invariably do nothing to affect change. Blizzard simply does what it’s going to do without much regard to the forums.

And thanks for saying it’s well-spoken, it was my post.

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I also keep hoping something this minimal would be changed. I mean, I would prefer a whole list of additional changes but Graff’s suggestions appear to be so minimal to code that I can’t fathom why they haven’t been implemented. Keep bumping his suggestions. Maybe if they do a Classic version in 4-6 years they will add this as a change. I don’t think we are getting it for this iteration though :frowning:

I can’t believe it was EVER coded to spawn at starting cave this way. Seems so obvious that starting caves are a last resort spawn point.

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Or convince them to hire me. I wouldn’t mind having a peek under the hood! :grin:

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The only thing Blizzard has to do to FIX AV is to switch horde and alliance bases every 2-3 weeks. Let the horde see how it is to ride out from Alliance cave and come for IBGY.

Randomize them every game, better than switching every couple of weeks.

But none of this is happening, clearly.

Activision has decided to make the player spawns random across the map and has turned it into a deathmatch. The last person standing gets the most rep and the one with the most kills gets the greater amount of honor. They will call this new AV Warnite.

Hey guy, they dont care.