Heroic Raid Buffs reverted

But gear is not going to happen just doing the dailies

For those behind, we are screwed, especially now.


Funny enough, all i do is essentially make the premade “fast clear heroic” or a variation for the raid i want to do, slap a min ilvl (used to do 430 but after the buffs, gonna do 440-450 depending in raid) and then grab whatever queues as long as its a dps. 1 0 9(1 tank, 0 healers and 9 dps) comps are super strong, and you can just grab 1 tank with dps os or vice-versa just in case a fight requires it. 99% of the time you don’t raid lead since people are just killing bosses before mechanics can happen. for SoO 2 0 18 works like a charm on mythic.

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Right. I’m sure it won’t be as bad as I’m anticipating. Mythic SoO… eh, we’ll see. I need to actually get the damn necklace first. I guess making groups on Friday/Saturday night would be best.

Yeah, and you might not even need to slap the 430+ ilvl, but just check who queues and inv the high level ones (440+ onwards for most heroic raids, prob higher for ToT and SoO), which is what a lot of people did. Just be smart about inviting, and if you plan to go the easy but efficient caveman route, grab 440+ for MSV-HOF-TOES, and 450+ for the rest, dont pick lower, and dont grab healers. The only bosses giving people any kind of trouble are usually dark animus when you dont have a proper tank geared and kiting/tanking(depending on ilvl) all of the adds away from the raid so the raid can kill the boss, which can be mitigated by any 460+ tank since they are strong enough to handle all 10 small adds on their own. For Ra-den, people just need to kill red orb and dont kill blue, which by this point almost every geared folk worth their salt knows.

As for SoO, You will need a 2nd tank for spoils of pandaria only (and split the raid evenly), with everything else being 1-tankable. And for mythic garrosh, just have people in mythic-only phase stack on boss and move from the raid stack when they have more than 2 stacks of the debuff (the purple circle will damage its 2 closest players and add a debuff, and if no players soak the circle, it will blow up in the raid).

Best of luck to your pugs. Be smart and pick the highest ilevel folks you can muster, since they will make this runs a breeze if you do.

Problem is, the caps being removed didn’t matter at all for 6 of the 8 stats on the cloak.

You would hardcap LOOOOONG before hitting 200k (let alone ten million) in Mastery, Versatility, Haste, Crit, Speed, and Leech. The only stats that it actually mattered for was for Mainstat and Stamina, and so far I’ve only ever seen people complaining about hitting the stamina cap at 200k, with all other stats being around 22k.


I could understand if they thought heroic raidbosses were dying too fast.

Well… no, not really, since 476 froggers carrying the day are still a thing especially in heroic.

But the main problem with some of the raids is still the amount of damage taken. Things like Tortos turtles and Megaera rampage do massive amounts of damage and if you don’t have millions of hp then you’re simply dead. Bringing a healer isn’t a fix because damage spikes are worse than in DF.



Even through all of the forum woes, I’ve told people that dark animus was easier than it use to be because of the cogwheel and tinker gems. Looks like they are adjusting it to feel like it did in live, heh. It’s really not that hard of a fight. The key is survive the first 45 ish seconds, and everyone tanks a small add. That’s it.

You guys could see blizzard change the color of a wall of an unused shack and yell “Fun detected!”

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Except the tinker gems are generating obscene amounts of aggro and very often, it leads to a golem ignoring the player hitting it and heading to another player, stacking with the other golem and wrecking that player’s hp quickly. You have to pretty much force everyone to take their tinker gems off and lose a huge amount of dps, OR to simply zerg it. We pretty much do the latter because its much less of a headache, and even then its only doable if the whole raid is super geared. For a lesser geared raid, it’s a pain.

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this is so bizarre - it is like they have a multiple personality disorder and one version says we are supposed to have unlimited power and the other version says they want to make content challenging - when all people want to do is collect their cosmetics and go.


Just cleared Vaults, HoF and Terrance, all heroic.
Took an hour to get all 3 of them cleared.
Didn’t notice the change to boss’ health.

Then cleared ToT heroic in like 45min and it felt exactly the same as before.

I don’t know, this buff to boss health might not even exist at all as far as I’m concerned.

I did a MSV-TOES-HoF heroic run as the only person with gear, was surprised bosses lived long enough to do a mechanic but it was probably because it was being the only person with gear until the HoF run when a person dipped and the next one to apply was a 476 monk.

Throw enough gear at a boss and it will die, I didn’t notice a change to any boss health values, just more time to hit stuff.

Devs are doing everything in their power to make this ANTI-FUN mode.


Not allowed to have fun cause the lazy people said it’s not fun. :sob:

Ya’ll need to take it easy on Terrance.


Zerg Asani, zerg Regail, zerg the protector. They ded.

Zerg the dragon.

Zerg the water elemental.

Drop nukes on Sha of Mild Fright.

Crap, the cooldown on my hearthstone hasn’t rolled over since the beginning of this run after I used it to get to the raid entrance quickly…

So, complete Terrace run in about 10 minutes or so?

What’s the change look like for non-mythic SoO? Did normal/heroic not change either?

oh those ones they probably made noticeably harder if past practise is any indication - they like punishing the people who don’t want challenging content for the sins of those who claim they do

I like how they implemented these buffs and yet there is still no note on fixing Galakras’ main P2 mechanic to actually work properly and not require overgearing to survive.


Yes it does, lmao. Just work on it. The defeatist and negative attitudes on the forums astound me.

You can catch up faster by doing more than just dailies.