Hero Talents shouldn’t overlap with Spec Fantasy

I am sure that you will eventually come to know it. It’s fate. And…you’re bound to know it one day. :upside_down_face:

I like the idea but have no idea how they work,yet.

LOL,spellslinger :rofl:

I presume that, instead of simply tapping into the power of the Celestials, the Celestials instead work directly through the Monk. Like how a Priest uses the Light, but the Light uses Paladins.

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Mage names are pretty horrid, too.

It would be interesting if they instead leaned into D&D classes with Wizard and Sorcerer, if they’re just going to make stuff up.

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I think that’s a good point.

Let the player make the fantasy, just give us the cosmetics and some ability to customize our spell appearances. Don’t force players to conform to Blizzards interpretation of the class so much.

Hero Talents are lame. I am fine with getting no talents past level 70, like how we got nothing past level 90 after MoP and were still just fine. What are they trying to do, justify going up another 10 levels?

Lol lightsmith

Pally should be

Inquisitor (probably not gonna happen because drustvar)