Heritage Armor no longer DQed by Race Change

I am certain I read that this was going into effect but I can’t find where I read it any longer. Does anyone know if this is true and if it is in effect or if it is coming with the release of War Within?

Thank you.

Why would they change how heritage armor worked? If you can’t find it via searching with the search menu here, or via google, then it doesn’t exist.

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I stand corrected.

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To be fair though, I have been up waaaay too long and should sleep. I read all of the OP and title wrong I think xD

It’s all good. I just happened to read some of the hotfixes this morning and that is the second time I’ve quoted it today.

THANK you, I could not recall where I had read it! So grateful to you for finding it, thank you!

I could totally believe that was the case and am relieved it wasn’t here! I figured if I asked the forums and no one knew what I was talking about, then I had either dreamed I read it, or read a rumor that turned out to be untrue. :slight_smile:

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