Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Annnnd that’s where you lost the argument

Did I say you don’t have a right? Don’t change the subject to something that can’t be argued just so you can win the debate.

You can have your opinion, and I can tell you that this addon will make Overwatch (Classic) more like Apex Legends (Retail) and that the developers are keen on keeping this distinction as well.

Why ?
Many will not do what I did and find a large guild that suits my playtime. This add-on will help them to do group content which may keep them playing.

And if you’re arguing in the sense of this timeline being “release day”, then that’s completely fair. However, the argument for calling someone crazy can also be applied to you, if you really think the current generation of players, whether they played vanilla or not, will come into Classic completely bare bones. Sure, there are certain people that will go for (and fight for) the true-blue experience, but WoW itself has long passed into the age of customization. It did that early, and it only built from there. The only way Blizzard could provide the exact experience you’re looking for is to disable the API completely, then re-add it in one of the later phases. Until then, the argument of not “starting this simulation mid course” falls flat. That’s exactly what they’re doing.

Regardless, I don’t think we’ll get anywhere here, so I’m going to step out. You do have some really good points I actually agree with, that also seem to be being ignored by others.

I don’t know if you’re a part of that “change nothing” group or whatever it is, but keep in mind that they already have. Like you said, it’s a simulation. It won’t be exact. Even if Blizzard could deliver a 1:1 client of what it used to be, the community itself is fundamentally different. The people in that movement seem too blinded by their rose-tinted glasses to realize the reality of the situation.

I do hope what they can deliver at least still works out for you. That’s all I can really offer.

Which makes no sense. You don’t like retail that is fine but why do you want to deny add-ons that existed in classic ? If they changed the name to match the classic add-on call to arms would you feel better ?

From what you wrote it sure seemed like you were implying add-on developers missed striking gold when the game was easily manipulable. I am not convinced I read what you wrote wrong.

The game changed and then the players changed. Wow’s timeline is not hard to understand. The company needed to make money fast. What does a company do when they need money? They sacrifice the longevity of the company to make a quick buck. They gave players everything they wanted with a cherry on top, lfg, store mounts, easier raids, linear dungeons, faster leveling, flying everywhere, timegating ect. ect. ect. All of these decisions were not made in the best interest of the game being a great MMO. They were business decisions calculated to please a particular kind of blizzdrone who would spend big money on the product. My favorite sentiment I’ve herd thrown around is that blizz gave the player base what they wanted but not what they needed. Over time, the world collapsed, and right now retail feels like you are in an empty shell, forced to grind for useless rewards everyday in empty towns and cities.

I do agree to the extent that the instant gratification generation certainly demanded a recipe that blizzard was delighted to whip up. Give me purple gear right away, give me a sparkly mount if I fill out a dumb checklist, kill a raid boss for me if I stand still and watch netflix. There’s a certain generation that contributed to the damage caused by blizzards business decisions.

LFG is not a hill. Literally how would you suggest “fixing” group finding then in the game. Probably one of the most complex and hard questions out there. My personal feeling is each server should be able to build it’s own social world based on its own community. It should not be controlled by some smuck with the keys to the car deciding what is in and out of his infamous LFG add-on

It’s not going to help them keep playing. It’s going to cause disinterest and remove a fundamental part of Classic. Finding groups manually is one of the BIGGEST features people are excited for in Classic.

People are quick to forget that convenience is why WoW has less subs than FFXI and TESO. If we wanted that we would play retail. Classic is what it is because it’s inconvenient and people don’t realize that’s what they want until they go out and do it. Add ons like this will most certainly shorten the amount of time certain people play Classic. Because if we mod out EVERYTHING that makes classic, classic. It’s not classic anymore. And currently many modders are trying to essentially mod out classic.

Meeting stones were the way I plugged in classic 99.9% of the time and they are more automated

No one used it on my server(s,) so it didn’t have a chance to change the game like it will in Classic.

Why do I want to deny this addon? Because auto-grouping does more damage to the social aspect of the game than many realize, and I want Blizzard to know that they have support if they want to break it.

As if finding groups without an addon is difficult? If all it did was list people, I wouldn’t be vehemently against it…but auto-grouping is apart of the game I already don’t want to play.

If someone wants convenience, they can go play retail. This isn’t an insult, it’s a matter of gaming preference.

taking 4 hours to make a group is not something anyone is looking forward to,sorry

It does? How did you go about proving that?

And just imagine a second you’re some one who quit WoW because of addons like group finder. You’re excited to come back and have a blast, but instead what you get is a bunch of add ons that took away everything you were excited about. That’s heart breaking for some people.

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If I bold it will you read ?
It does not allow auto grouping

Thing is, it is . You can find many people ranting and raving about this. Besides it doesn’t take four hours maybe ten minutes.

Pretty common knowledge at this point.

…Did we watch the same video at the start of this thread? Did the person automatically enter his group?

No wonder.

this addon needs a ban.

It doesn’t just consolidate /2 like people would have you believe. From my understanding, you post your group to this addon, it is then listed within the interface, and other players with the addon can see it and ask to join your group. At the same time, you can select a channel that you want the addon to spam your group in for you. At the same time, the addon will comb through all chat channels in all layers searching for posts that match your group (I.e. “Mage LFG Deadmines”) and notify you. The addon allows you to find replacements without leaving the dungeon. In fact, this is one of their pitches. The goal is to make finding groups much much easier. The downside of this is that there is actually a cost to having groups be easy to find. If there are any problems in the run (and people will run into problems), people will be more likely to leave the group to find another, or kick an underperforming member and quickly find another using the addon. This may sound good at first, but you must realize that social connections are formed during these challenges. These force you to communicate. The downtime allows you to socialize. Overcoming the challenge after all the struggle bonds the members of the group. This will happen less frequently (its hard to know how much less frequently) if this addon is used. If it’s used widely, it will have a bigger impact. It’s not AS BAD as retail’s lfg. But it does damage.

I also will not see any Dark Iron Dwarves in classic.
That video is a fake.

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Um no, taking that long is not something anyone is looking forward, and no it won’t be 4 hours for awhile anyway,until people start gatekeeping.

Lol sure, how did you get WoWs numbers? and what are the other 2 numbers?

…They’re testing an addon called “ClassicLFG” on retail

Oh boy I shouldn’t have taken you seriously for so long.

wait are you saying the video is from Classic, when the guy is playing a Dark Iron Dwarf?

Yeah, the hundreds of thousands of people on this very forum seem to be saying differently.

Rough population totals of WoW’s pop still remain and there’s websites that report on the other two. It’s not up for debate, it’s a fact that retail WoW is not the most populated MMO anymore. Debating this is a waste of time and generally most people already know this information to be true.

TESO has 3 million, BDO, 2 million. WoW, 2 million. FFXI 3 mill