I feel sad when I have to say, I never played Horde seriously until Cata, so I did not live through Mankrik and his wife, i spent my time looking for Bingles in Loch Modan and chasing whatshisname during Jailbreak.
It wasn’t bad, just really spammy. People not reading quests and asking where something was, people insulting people not reading quests and asking where something was (lol), Chuck Norris jokes or Murloc Movie titles, small bickerings between a few frustrated people who wanted out of the zone. Mind you this was constant and rarely let up which is how it got it’s reputation. It’s nothing like today with all the political talk and blatant attempts by darn near every person in global channels to troll and incite people. Definitely a simpler time.
No I understood what you were saying clearly. My response is that the product led to a great game experience for a lot of people, you suggesting that add-on creators should have operated more on the game is something that happened much later in warcrafts timeline and arguable also contributed to problems that are draining the game in modern retail. The main argument that I was having with Hammis, which I included you in, is that the flaws in classic supported other aspects of the game and should be left as they were. An add-on like the one in question would have done no good for classic back in the past, and it’s a darn good thing I got to play the game for a few years without it.
it 100% DOES impact people who don’t want to be involved. when your frame-rate dips coming into a main town, or your chat log is filled with “viewer” spam, or your server crashes from streamer-follower surges, or how about the trolling/raids/gimmicks/drama they bring in order to get more “content” and viewer subs/$$?
If you’re going to pretend like none of that is a real issue to the “classic experience” I’ll do the same and say you can always just “dodge” on over to different servers until you find one that doesn’t use this addon.
Should ban the add on creator from the game tbh. Icyveins has always been the worst WoW site. Not surprised this spawned from it
Oh no, I didn’t say that they SHOULD have, I said they COULD have. The capability was there, but the inspiration and such had yet to fully kick in. Regardless, LFG-type addons still existed in the time period of the patch Classic is based on, just not in such a streamlined manner. That one I’ll admit.
I would also like to put forward for debate however that it’s not necessarily the game or the addons that caused the change, but the players themselves. The generations changed, players came and went. PC games traditionally had an older audience and over the years (of which WoW’s early life leading up to Cata sat squarely in the middle of) the audience shifted younger and younger. And no, that’s not a shot at “those damn kids”, just stating a fact. The WoW now is a product of the target audience, and the target audience is much different than it used to be.
Again, if Blizzard takes the initiative to cripple the addon API to strictly enforce what they (and others such as yourself) see as the “classic experience”, they’ll be stepping on it simultaneously. The early years of WoW were years of growth, development, and change, for not just the game and Blizzard, but the community and the resources we made for ourselves. There’s talk of “slippery slope” thrown around here and there about what happens if ClassicLFG is allowed to continue, but I’ll make the counter-argument that the slope is a hill, and Blizzard’s going to have to work hard to balance at the top.
Reality is this my dude: WoW is nowhere near as popular or as engaging as it used to be.
Blizzard doesn’t even release sub counts anymore because the game is such a mess. The central town for the alliance on my server right now in 8.2, is completely empty 90% of the time. The game has some serious problems that are almost unsolvable at this point. Most people who play retail are pretty sad I would say, they raid twice a night, they don’t talk much, they smoke a lot, and do not seem to enjoy the game much. That’s my own opinion of course, but man do people, even those playing retail, light up when someone drops the word classic in a conversation.
Of course the developers made a flexible UI, nobody is arguing that decision on their part. Whether it was Blizzards intentions or not, the lack of game changing add-ons was a good thing for classic. It made the game more immersive and less separated from player to player. These days in retail, it almost looks like two different players are playing entirely different games. Back in the day, people used the same methods to make friends, experienced the same hardships, met the same people from their server. There was no popular add-on that build the social network of a wow vanilla server for them during that time period.
And… that game was an enormous success. BC which follows vanilla blew up like the Manhattan project. It is a mistake to try to contaminate the spirit of classic multiple weeks in advance with a device that is so perverse and intrusive into the social network-sphere of next weeks young developing servers. It should not be allowed.
Sorry man. I really think you are making up stories. Not saying you are lying. I’m saying your view of the past and present is distorted.
Doesn’t matter. I hope you enjoy Classic.
Well said for sure
I don’t think it is intuitive for new players. There is so much going on when you first log in, and in classic, very little instruction. Some of course will be on top of things, but I doubt many will even care to form a group for a real dungeon until they’ve advance considerably in their leveling experience.
Eventually that is the ideal situation, getting there however takes making positive social connections with people (unless you are playing with friends which I have decided specifically to avoid except for one person). LFG addon’s do not further this goal, instead they substantially weaken the need to be in a guild.
Because most people will quit. I believe in the drop off theories people have. If this thread has shown to me anything, it is that wow classic is not going to work for a lot of people. The LFG users will get bored when their precious add-on gets them only the outcasts of a specific server and they’ll hop back to retail. The community I believe and hope strongly will boycott this add-on.
This is entirely wrong, new people to wow didn’t get the beta dude.
Yeah it’s pretty bad dude. I am assuming you don’t play much or umbrella your experience to a certain few?
Servers were doing just fine in wotlk, and yet that is when the feature dropped.
But you can lol, re-read what I wrote a few times. This is not going to be some big secret camouflage. People who use this add-on will be very proud of it I am sure.
You don’t have a rep when LFG is around. Sure the rep matters more than in retail, but it inevitably if popular will become a gear score laundry list. If rep mattered, you wouldn’t use the darn thing because you would just constantly talk to those people who you know are reputable and that you like. LFG is pretty much anti-reputation, allowing people who are jerks with a nice sword to pug on the fly.
I think of elitist as someone obsessed with gear scores and io’s or what not. Although it is a factor in my argument, it is more so the ease of recruitment that is the problem, since party leaders do not have to care much about people who they invite because they are replaceable at whim. Elitism is a problem that is very much down the road of course though. Like I just said, LFG basically spawns “pick the dude with the best gear” sort of behavior.
Yes, all group creation should be banned that it was this is all about. The game has built in features and these features should be used when it comes to things that impact the server community as a whole. LFG is not the direction most people want to see the boat steered towards. I am all for individual realms molding and shaping the way they do things over time. Two weeks before release we are making everyone swallow LFG? It’s not right.
Have faith Blair! This is a new generation of new! People will notice there is a global channel that everyone is using.
No, not on their own they do not, especially if you are not anonymous cross realm. They only start the group, what happens after , the actual meat and potatoes is what will determine everything.
hope they kill this addon by release.
I don’t care if it is a piece that contributes to the pie. LFG hurts the need to be in a guild, there is no arguing this point. Also I responded to your full comment, posted some early by accident.
If you randomly pug a dungeon using the games mechanics you will get fewer applicants than it if it tool assisted. This makes applicants more valuable and reduces toxicity on servers in the long run.
I’ve been in this thread long enough to already have an answer for this
no it is entirely right for the reasons i said.
I play plenty, i just dont generalize based on bias like a lot seem to like to do.
If someone is running into toxicity all the time , they may need to start looking at themselves. It is not a Retail only thing, it happened back in Vanilla, it will be that way in Classic.
Not the dead/imbalanced ones, which is what I was talking about.
No you can’t, you made up stories and did not answer, you cannot tell the mode of entry from a chat phrase.
How? you just stop talking for some reason, because you did not manually type LFG in chat?
How? You keep making up things that do not exist to try and make a point,lol. This addon will not make people gatekeep, they will do that with or without an addon, they ALWAYS have.
Rep will still matter as much as it did then, due to no cross server. and how do you know if you like or if someone is reputable until you do something with them? SOmething more than replying “I’ll go”,lol
Lol no, not at all, you will still see who joins your group, oh that ninja joined? boom kicked, the addon does not stop that.
Why do they not have to care? You think these people are magically going to be there at a whim? You are pulling from the same people as a non addon user would be pulling froum.
and you were wrong when you said it then too, that behavior will happen with or without an addon, like it ALWAYS has, people will gatekeep.
lol ok, this addon is using the built in features…
Nothing this addon does will change that.
Why would you chose to be on a streamer server then? All big streamers have been very vocal about their choices.
No, you can’t find out what the culture of group forming for your server will be before a heavy investment into the server. These things are not comparable.
Is this supposed to be some sort of insult ?
Sorry that I like both versions of the game
They are two different games. It’s not an insult, it’s an Overwatch player telling an Apex Legends player that Overwatch shouldn’t become a battle royale.
I’m confused. I’m a WoW player. Have played since classic and will play classic again. I have the right to my opinion that this add-on will be good for classic to keep more players playing