I think I do understand what it does. Here, let me show you a quote from me!
It CAN broadcast to lfg, but the group leader can opt of of channels if they chose to. If they’re posting to lfg there isn’t any discernible difference in using the addon or manually posting in lfg as I admitted to Juli earlier in the thread. But if a player seeks to circumvent the lfg channel they can by only inviting people that are using the addon. And if lfg becomes the cesspool it’s counterparts in retail have become, it’s not hard to imagine people not advertising in lfg at all and using only the addon to addon usage. It’s more a worry than something I can say WILL happen, but it’s still something I’d seek to avoid if possible.
Man you need to take a breath and try to see reality.
The developers made a bare bones UI becuase they were smart. That barebones UI exposed an API to the playerbase so the players could develop the UI for Blizzard, for free.
Free labor.
Free Research and development.
Free Testing.
No work on unneeded/unwanted UI features.
The players made the UI.
And that forethought helped create the environment for those classic connections.
As for your ‘everyone is sad’ in Retail delusion. I can’t help you with that.
How? Its something that is already widely used and will get picked up very quickly by most new people.
Everyone will likely do this.
Alll servers are big, and why would people stop pugging a few months into the game? Why would anyone abandon a global channel?
Um yes it is, it was the beta for Classic WoW, the behaviors you saw there , you are going to see in Live Classic,
Sweet, hope they enjoy it, maybe they will grow to love WoW!
No it hasn’t, and retails version of this is completely different.
The whole community? No, some people, sure, guess what , it will like that in Classic as well.
What did damage the community was dead servers leaving no one to community with, or run content, so LFG was a Godsend to them.
No you didn’t, because you CAN’T tell if someone typed it, or hit their macro, or had the addon post it.
Sure I did, you made up stories instead of answering.
You are somehow prevented from removing players if you form a group with the addon?
Your actions during the group determine your ‘rep’. The addon prevents nothing, you can still whisper anyone in the group, talk to anyone in party chat.
No, that was the point of your story, you tried to make it that people using the addon would be more elitist for some reason than someone who did not use it.
All group formation is largely trivial, “LFM DM DPS” “I’ll go im ____” and like I said above nothing is preventing you from whispering or talking in party chat once you accept.
Then you have ban all group creation, because with that logic an undesirable result is possible with the addon as well.
Group creation is by far the least important part of the whole grouping experience.
I knew you retail players would eventually come in full force saying this is ok.
This destroys the social aspect of making groups…and no, it’s not an overrated aspect. If you don’t need to interact with people to make a group, you may as well be in retail.
Yes, it’s server-only, but high-pop servers will have a HUGE playerbase compared to before.
That convenience is not healthy for wow. Perhaps you had a truly different pre-group finder experience than I did, but for us part of the adventure was recruiting the team, like in the Blues Brothers. A major flaw in retail is they stripped that naked and threw it out. Many in this thread are saying, and rightfully so, that this add-on is merely a chat filter. However, if the add-on catches on it risks transforming the way groups are created and giving too many options to party leaders who will undervalue applicants for specific content. Further the slippery slope arguments are actually pretty strong for this one, all it takes is an update here and an update there and some random developer now controls the sway of things to an addicted Classic LFG body on a server. The risk to be taken here makes absolutely no sense, we finally get a fresh start to erase some of the mistakes made on retail over the years and LFG 2 weeks before launch should be a sad thought on anyone’s mind, even if it is just a chat filter.
Lastly the authentic vanilla experience that you claim others do not understand did not include LFG add-ons upon release. They were never popular because nobody started out relying on them. Why should classic’s release be plagued by them now?
Someone who gets it. Group creation had very little to do with the actual group dynamic, beyond having the right roles in the right proportions to get the job done. It was rare that any form of connection that could be considered deep or impactful to the experience was made while recruiting people.
It was the people IN the group that created the grouping experience. It was chatting, cracking jokes, talking shop, and everything else that happened while waiting to gather everyone up. It was the checking making sure everyone’s prepared, teasing the doofuses that forgot something, and tossing advice at the people who didn’t even know X in the first place that made the experience.
This addon doesn’t teleport people to the dungeon. It doesn’t lessen the actual meaningful interaction grouping in a vanilla environment will provide. All it does is mask, filter, and sort a channel that will likely get misused anyway.
People think the current retail environment is spammy and toxic. Said people forget about Elwynn and Barrens chat.
That does not impact anybody in any way who chooses not to be involved. Simply, dodge the streamer servers. LFG however, is like a dart at random. Maybe the server I chose to roll on will have a massive popularity boom on this add-on that affects my play experience. In any event we have LFG servers, it’s called retail wow. You can run up to level 60 all you want and spam old vanilla raids. That is not what most of us are looking for in classic.
Those were tame compared to today. Sure someone said something mildy offensive back then but chat was more commonly filled with Chuck Norris jokes or Murloc Movie Titles. If today’s chat existed back then people would have lost their minds lol.
That one I’ll give you, and even agree with. Different servers had very different environments, and what was true for me may not have been the same for you. Regardless, for me the interaction was always in the groups themselves, and the general zone chat that floated around, not in the actual recruitment.
Because Classic isn’t starting at release, it’s starting at 1.12. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Patch_1.12.0#API_Changes
Yeah I’m sure I’ll suspect nothing when after joining the group, a tank and a healer are invited 2 seconds later for an obscure ashenvale quest. Dang! party leader made all these good friends 3 days into classic, inspirational!
You join a strangers group and then wonder why other strangers did the same and then question the value of the strangers but not the value of yourself.