Oh I’m not squirming, although I have seen a lot of that in this thread lol. Along with a lot of misinformation from the anti addon side sadly. I do despise the feel of retail these days though and how people treat each other there. Anything that even resembles that and can start us down a path like that in Classic I want to actively avoid. With how players have changed over the last 15 years though it may be unavoidable and even blocking an addon like this potentially won’t stop the Classic servers from becoming the cesspools that retail has become outside of a guild.
it won’t , people will use , well lets says /global channel, they did it in the beta and prior experience with it on whatever version.
Lol, thats a good story. What actually happens most of the time is a simple “i’ll go, Im a _____spec”.
and you are assuming no one is monitoring the addon, adding features the addon does not have, and inventing an addon that is not even in CLassic.
The point you won’t just say and cannot deny is that you can’t tell if an addon, macro, or typed message says "LFG DM need ____spec like you claim you can.
An addon is not going make people be elitist, they will be that way with or without one, people always will find a way to gatekeep.
I never did get an answer to this earlier in the thread. Probably because they know they can’t.
You log on looking to heal a dungeon.
You see a group looking for a healer for that dungeon.
You whisper that group leader saying you’ll go.
You get invited immediately.
How do you tell the difference between someone desperate for a healer and someone using the addon?
Magic, we use Magic duh:O)
But that’s the 1.0 version of the addon.
Then you will have 1.1 that adds gearscore, 1.2 that adds another feature etc. It IS a slippery slope. Can’t we just talk to each other rather than having anything done for us?
Swing and a miss!
Who’s next?
In this scenario are both people using the addon or is the addon posting in lfg/trade/whatever chat channel that everyone can see?
Spoken like a true demon hunter.
Thats the point, you wouldnt be able to tell.
You realise that was just the initial thing posting the advert?
There was ALWAYS a back-and-forth chat between the two players. People on here don’t seem to see that having an LFG window with a nice little list of classes and an invite button will destroy that in time.
It will turn into how the ‘manual’ group finder works in Retail, as in not really manual at all.
Oooh another swing and a miss!
I invited and got invited instantly all of the time, regardless of role. The back and forth would happen on the way to the dungeon.
Because you are suggesting in every case people are desperate for a role.
That actually isn’t the case 95% of the time. It was almost never the case players were so desperate they just instant-invited the first person who spoke up.
You really don’t see the importance of that first “Oh, are you still looking for that dps/tank/healer-- I can go.” as it leads to the cascade of communication.
It’s you and your compatriots who aren’t thinking through the full implications of this addon and how it will very negatively effect the experience.
Still possible with this add-on.
What’s the issue, exactly?
Ah, ah, ah!
I asked you to tell the difference in my scenario. Still no answer!
To play devil’s advocate though, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference in your scenarios either, if the person had auto invite turned off or if you didn’t whisper the word “invite” if they do have it on.
Who wants to try next?
If the healer sees the message in a chat channel then there isn’t much difference that I can see. However, if the healer only uses the addon to find this group, and the group leader as elected to only use the addon and not advertise in any channels (no idea why they would but people do odd things!) then it is slightly different. Back to community building, seeing people talk in chat, even spamming for groups, helped you get to know people, or at least recognize names that you frequently saw. Once you knew a name remembering things about specific players (higher profile ones) became much easier. Ultimately if someone is using both the addon AND posting in channels (which they should do to maximize the likely hood of getting a player to join) then there still isn’t much difference. Only when the addon is used without chat posting does the situation change slightly. But that’s more from a getting to know/recognize people standpoint.
This is not similar to Classic LFG. No matter the complexity of your efforts, you are not an easy way to go about group formation like LFG is. Few people will hear or care about your service since you are one person, a human, and not an algorithm. Although, if you become the realm match maker then congratulations the organic culture of a classic server birthed that method of forming groups and that seems fine to me. We can not allow people to feel pressured from day one to use this add-on to avoid social stigma or to lose a competitive advantage over their peers. This add-on obviously is mandatory for a try-hard who want to play the game well and be geared in comparison to their peers.
What you are analogizing to appears to me something that would grow organically from the most charismatic, say, guild leaders with experience putting wow groups together and being socially considerate of the world around them to which their reputation hangs on. You would never manage to pull that off successfully without having achieved that kind of recognition from your server and peers. It is an entirely different story when you hand every player in wow a list of people to contact at any given notice, without much work or social skills needed. This is inevitably the negative path you slide down introducing the add-on in question.
DPS add-ons don’t affect my game-play experience if I do not want to use them. LFG culture on a classic server makes it mandatory for anyone who wants to be relevant. ClassicLFG helps a lot to decide who you want to bring because you have more options, and players, especially dps, become less valuable. Instead of having 1 or 2 choices each group you have a dozen chances to be rude to people and can very well base your decision on a gear score rating. For some content this makes sense, but for the majority of the game, the story is not supposed to be a joyride optimal set-up where you nuke bosses and go home. It’s supposed to be a social adventure where you meet and befriend strangers in a complex scary environment. LFG in classic takes some of that away.
a train leaves CHicago at 2pm traveling 50 mph, and another train leaves Houston at 4 pm traveling 60 mph, at what point does Denzel Washington win another Oscar?
Oooh you’re so close!
What sort of nonsense is that. Did you just make that up?
If convenience reduced value then WoW would have lower value than its predecessors. WoW was built to be streamlined, non punishing and ultimately convenient.
What you might be trying to say is Supply reduces value.
In Retail you have Cross Realms (a huge supply of players) so an individual’s value is reduced.
In Retail you have teleport to dungeon. Meaning the entire supply of players is available at the dungeon locality. Full supply is available for all locations.
However, in Classic neither of those are true.
- You only have instant access (supply) to people right at you exact location.
- Those players far from your location you will have to wait.
- You only have access to your single server, not the massive supply of xrealms.
Now I understand that layering will increase supply of players during launch and some portion of Phase1 but that has nothing to do with this ClassicLFG addon.
This ClassicLFG addon doesn’t do what you fear. What it does do is streamline communication and band aids an arguably deficient UI.