Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

We aren’t talking about a car, we’re talking about people. But good job quoting one sentence out of a paragraph without any context to enforce your point :roll_eyes:

Was that add-on out on release day? When people in vanilla were making friends and grouping through the organic process, such an add-on FAILED and nobody used it because they did not have to. Introducing an LFG add-on, especially given the historical context on this feature in relation to the modern wow community is not authentic to vanillas original pathway.

I am actually not a hater of add-ons that change classic, if that floats your boat. My grievances come to surface when add-ons are introduced which directly influence the play experience of others against their will.

Wow, Im really sorry. If all of your interaction with the community was “healer lf st” then you must have had a really bad experience.

I hope Classic goes better for you. If you use the addon, maybe you can spend more time interacting with people and making friends and less time copy pasting into LFG.

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Good job conflating progress with automatically being a negative characteristic. You know, you can have progress along with increased value too? That does often happen.

Yikes, starting at 1.12 with a completely different addon API is going to be a shock for you then.

We didn’t know enough about the game at the start of actual vanilla to even think much about how much easier it would be to find a group if we joined a global chat which didn’t even exist yet (but will exist from day 1 of classic). A lot of people didn’t know you could join custom chat channels. A lot of people didn’t know what a dungeon even was or whether or not it was worth running to begin with to even try to decide if they wanted to try to find a group in the first place.

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Was patch 1.12 out on release day? We’re not playing a release day game, we’re playing a game that was out for quite some time after release. It makes sense that addons which weren’t out at release are also available for us to use.


WoW Community : We want Classic , because in current game we have LFR / RDF that killed the game
also WoW Community : we want LFR and RDF in WoW Classic!!!

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Let’s say that every time someone posts a new “LFG/LFM” message, I go to my other monitor and I write down their name, dungeon they want to do, what roles and how many people they need. And people can whisper me asking if there are any groups for the dungeon they want to do and I tell them what’s currently available.

Am I “bringing an LFG environment to classic?” Am I “changing the formation of social connections within the player base very much arguably for the worst?”

This is functionally not all that different from an addon like Recount or Details. It pulls information from a chat window/combat log and displays it in a readable format. This is WHY addons exist, to fill gaps that exist in the UI, to help display information they should be readily available.

DPS addons don’t tell you how to do more damage and ClassicLFG doesn’t tell you who to bring or form groups for you. It gives everyone a higher chance of having their advertisement seen, increasing the likelihood that they find people to play with, which encourages social interaction and networking. It does not replace it.


Shh, don’t bring good, sensible arguments into this! We’re all about knee-jerk reactions on these forums! /s

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I have some friends who have never touched an mmo playing classic. There are many who are taking a shot with the game next week. I hope that they will not figure everything out week one. It helps the overall play experience.

I don’t know why you think every server will be streamer dominated.

I’m not sure where you pulled that from because that was never my experience. My experience was when things went poorly it was usually better (not always) to try to fix the problem through cooperation and helping players be better. Not because I’m some saint mind you, but because it was usually more of a time waster to travel back to a city and look for someone new. BUT, while the ClassicLFG will remove that inconvenience, that player who in Vanilla who you might have helped will now just be replaced. Not unlike how people in retail just kick people out of dungeons at the drop of a hat and can refill their spot rather quickly. Sure, in Classic it won’t be THAT quick, but still easier than going back to a city, spamming whatever channel you’re using, and then having to high tail it back to the dungeon with said new person. Having to go through all that means you’re more likely to keep a player and potentially help them, which you guessed it, makes for a more positive community.

This person gets it. People know what they want, but are often ignorant as to what they need.

Not likely, I’m just not a fan of it. But it is what it is, and most of those addons aren’t adverse to community building.

I’ll grant you this. Although if it were up to me there wouldn’t be a LFG channel at launch either, as that was not how launch was for Vanilla. But that’s already been decided so no use crying over spilt milk lol.

If they want to, they will. WoWhead is a google away and has so much info it makes allakhazam and thottbot look like fingerpaintings.

And no, it has nothing to do with streamers. Servers are going to be packed with way more people than vanilla and chat is cross-layer so its going to look like twitch.

Wont have to go back to a city even without the addon. LFG was global in 1.12.

The game may be similar but the experience is going to be wildly different. This addon is a drop in the bucket. Get over it.

It sure wasn’t out 2 weeks before vanilla came out. Nochanges to everyone but the few of you defending, admittedly well, a tough bucket of mud, absolutely does not include the copy paste looking Classic LFG on the market for classic.

No were playing on release date, the simulation of it. The developers selected that patch mainly to begin somewhere that made sense for the health of the game. Nevertheless, the month of august is the release date. You are in the delirium realm if you think we are starting this simulation mid course.

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Save the first few months where people rush and burn out, /4 usage rates will likely be low if the game replicates the world that existed back in the day.

  1. You respond to the add in general 2. You are greeted by a warm response asking you about your skill level and spec, and are invited to an active and anxious group that has been waiting awhile to clear content. 3. Eventually you are invited to the guild since people were grateful you came to play with them.

  2. You respond to the add in general 2. 30 seconds go by 3. Lister is afk scrubbing his butt cheeks in the bathtub waiting to get 10 applicants to sift through the most qualified of the bunch 4. Rude message, “dude you’ve never even cleared MC, LOL, you are some kind of bad” 5. Lister selects a mage with +1 ilvl over you who says two words the entire dungeon clear.

Wrong. The addon stops if you go afk.

Not sure why you’re so aggressive with some of your comments when I simply disagree with you. I don’t begrudge you wanting this addon for what I’m assuming is convenience. I just disagree with you, which is ok. I’m not saying you shouldn’t play Classic if you want this addon and the devs break it (if they do). I’m trying to express to you why some players don’t like it and potential reasons why. And it’s fine if you don’t agree with that, it’s an opinion.

As for the 1.12 argument, it’s ultimately irrelevant to what I’ve been saying. Content will still be released similarly to how it was in Vanilla. Not exact mind you, but similar. Now let’s consider this scenario. If classes were at their 1.12 patch equivalents at the release of Vanilla, would that have drastically altered how server communities developed? Because that is basically what we’re getting in Classic launch. 1.12 class design with 1.1 content release. So we’re getting both 1.1 (content) and 1.12 (class design) at Classic launch. So while neither of us is wrong about that is launching, it is still a “launch” where communities are being formed. Class design has little impact on that as where an addon like ClassicLFG might very well have a negative impact on a servers development.

Ultimately we aren’t going to convince each other of what we believe will be better for the game. And whether the devs break or allow the addon we’ll both still play. And ultimately it is up to the devs to decide what to do about this addon. Us arguing about it on the forums isn’t going to decide that for them. Still nice chat and it’s good to get your perspective on this issue.

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Boy that sounds impossible to work around, checkmate! Well done mam.

Lol I dont even plan on using it. I just like seeing all the people it upsets squirm.