Hahahaha =D
Doesnt matter, theyre still there. Its more than just the classes.
LOL how is this add-on no changes. You baffle me. You chose to believe somehow that people today will treat an LFG add-on the same way people in 2004 did. Incredible.
Sigh, it’s not about a few items or minor changes. We aren’t getting a true 1.12. Because by 1.12 server communities had been formed and established. Regardless of where classes are at Classic launch, the launch of Classic should be as close as possible (read: not exact as that’s not possible) to the launch of Vanilla and how those communities organically evolved without the use of an addon like this.
Because its functionality existed in vanilla.
yes the LFG addon kills the need to communicate, if things get tough people will bail on the group and find another group super fast just like retail. yes the addon can replace someone who sucks really fast, as you dont need to travel back to a main hub to find someone.
No, it doesn’t. Stop lying.
Vanilla 1.11 I believe which was a little over a year into Vanilla. So since the logic is that CTA existed in Vanilla ClassicLFG should exist in Classic. I agree with this…if it is introduced a little over a year into Classic.
So what? We’re getting a recreation of 1.12. Get over it.
You’re not getting 1.1 talents, 1.1 balancing, etc at the start. You’re getting 1.12.
Ah good, then I can tell everyone on my friends list to ignore that person and don’t invite them to groups. Because you can’t escape from the consequences of your actions without cross-realm.
On the flip side, if you’re really good then other groups will hear about you and want you in their parties. You might even get whispers out of the blue!
What as this about killing social aspects again?
That’s fine. It’s just an argument is all. You see the light in people’s eyes when classic is mentioned and you know it is something that mattered to people. The mediocrity on some levels was part of the experience that made the game a treat. Objectively bad grouping mechanics was the thorn that gave people what they needed rather than what they wanted pre fall of the lich king.
Are we? Sweet, Naxx will be open on day 1 since it was released in 1.11! Hot dog! Man, ZG will be ready too! Those enchants and better optimized gear sure will help in MC and BWL.
Sarcasm aside, we aren’t getting 1.12, we’re getting 1.12 class design, not 1.12 content. Also, as I’ve said before, by 1.12 server communities had been established by this point. Regardless of what version we argue we’re getting, at Classic launch, communities will be discovering their identities just like they did at Vanilla launch. And in my opinion this addon will adversely affect that.
Ah yes, please tell me how communities will grow naturally just as they did in Vanilla when Classic servers are going to have 5x the population or more. Not to mention layers and cross realm BGs from the start (of when theyre added).
Just accept that it’s a different beast and this addon will exist or find something else to play.
Will it be a few seconds quicker than hearth, ask, get summoned back ? Maybe but barely .
Great, can’t wait to play world of afk in dalaran craft. Everyone should read this, to see what people supporting this add-on really want.
Actually servers were massively populated at release. It’s why Blizzard released so many after release. They even halted production of the game around January because so many people were buying it and their servers were garbage back then and they couldn’t support the amount of players. So yeah, at release there were a ton of people. Will it be as large as Classic? Probably not since we have layering and fewer servers being released than were released at Vanilla launch which will funnel more players into those servers. Which just emphasizes my point. With an even larger playerbase to draw from, using an addon like this will devalue a player worth since replacing them will be much easier and a larger pool of players will be available.
Yes they want classic. This is what happened in classic. Just vent not discord
Yeah, the proof that the video was made-up and not the real addon. If you look at the interface in the video they are running Retail. Someone literally recreated this Classic addon in Retail and added features that aren’t in the Classic version in order to smear it, create controversy, and get views.
You realize that they talking about the LFG Global Chat Channel, right…
The thing that existed in classic and was used for the exact same thing.
Need to kill this add on asap. You want LFG play retail…