Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

As i played classic you are making yourself sound like a fool.

Oh hey look, another one without an original thought in their head. Stay back kids, he’ll spit at you and scream about “those darn BFA players” instead of coming up with an actual argument. He’d probably blame BFA players if he ran out of gas on the highway as well.

No, no. Don’t look, don’t look. You don’t want to catch whatever its got.

Get that @$%X out of my Classic !

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And when did you start playing? Your FoS dont look very impressive.

Also incorrect, on two levels. First, we’re only playing 1.12 as classes existed, not when content was released. Otherwise all the content would be released at launch. Second, 1.12 class design has nothing to do with how communities develop on servers. That has to do with player interactions. Since this addon makes replacing someone more convenient it devalues a players worth which already starts us down the path that retail has led to.


I will try not to point out I have a classic PvP title and he does not. Darn it failed to do that :frowning:

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Nou, it’s my classic. I’ve licked it already.

Neither do retail systems, but that stopped too.

Correct, it populates the list that way. It also lets you click invite (from what I can see) without even interacting with people.

Oh look a classic forum troll who doesnt know the difference between LFD and LFG… what a shocker that seems to be 99% of the people complaining about this cause I have yet to see anyone post a single actual bit of evidence that this addon would negatively affect anything.

You would see more of it, and everyone would start to recognize and pick up on trends. Since cross-realm is not a thing in classic, I expect few to be ignorant as to what is going on in the general chats. Everyone will know who is using Classic LFG and who isn’t, espcially as the hype wears off.

I’m glad to hear that, I also enjoyed the patch. I also attribute that patch to the fall of Warcraft as an mmo specifically because of lfg.

Alright, i expect to see you start working to ban all addons then. There arent many that have existed in the same form since launch. :slight_smile:

Aww right, my bad. I forgot Bindings were available in MC to start. Oh wait…

which had nothing do with the addon. And is not always the case anyway.

So you may not see"i’ll go"?, and are you stopped from whispering the group leader as a result?

It is more tempting for the common azerothian to not post in /4 and to use other generals. As a kid I only discovered /4 late into my experience. I was not alone.

Funny enough, I never used addons until my raiding guild forced me to download threat meters and the tranqiyell addon for enrage bosses. But that was a LONG time ago. Overall I’m not against addons, I’m more for creating the original experience as close as possible and developing server communities as organically as possible. And again this is only my opinion, but I feel this particular addon can adversely, and negatively, affect that.

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Good thing you’ll know about it this time so you wont miss out. Like i said, they cant take away all of the knowledge we’ve accumulated.

ANd how would know you are not just simply seeing more people just wanting to run dungeons?

Really how are you going to tell the difference where LFM DM need dps came from?

The addon cannot post to chat anymore times than a macro, or someone just typing.

Fair enough, we all have our opinions on if WoW fell or not.

Everyone’s experience was different. All Blizzard can do is make the base game as close to 1.12 as possible. They ultimately can’t control the community.

Oh cool, you got both of them. Now how the F are you going to make them without elementium ore that only drops in BWL? Again, I’m not saying Classic is going to be an exact replica of Vanilla. I just want it to be as close as possible to that experience. Nitpicking an item that is dropping sooner in Classic than in Vanilla (and can’t be made lol) isn’t going to adversely affect that experience.

Think I was around level 30 when tanks suggested a threat meter so I would stop pulling threat