Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

I’m guessing these people didn’t raid in Classic, because I dont know any guild that manually invited all 40 raiders by the end of Vanilla.

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It dose not auto invite. It uses the same system as ct raid assist to invite people who whisper the party leader with a keyword.


Auto invites started in TBC…dude your so fos… there were group finders in vanilla but none of them were automated. Go back to retail where you’d be much happier.

Yeah Somalion pointed that out to me… I definitely missed that part about the video being from BfA. Glad there’s no auto-invite, which is really the only thing that worried me.


I also want classic as close to original as possible. This add-on was called call to arms in classic


Mail add-ons automate the game for you. Auction House add-ons literally scan the AH and lets you know what to buy because it is posted lower than market average… no math needed… BAN IT BECAUSE IT AUTOMATES THE GAME!!!

Meeting Stones existed. They auto grouped you. As did Innkeepers.

No, I’m not going to stop bringing this up every time someone says there was no auto-grouping feature in Vanilla.

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Lol cta was NOT automated.

So based on what do you reject QoL or are you accepting any kind of QoL. The obvious problem with addons (especially looking at this example) is the difficulty to draw the line what extend of QoL is acceptable if its community created. If you have to argue on this in a 2000+ post thread for just one addon I would suggest to Blizzard to rather disable Addons by default.

Seriously, people underestimate how robust Blizzard’s automation detection and prevention is.

Just yesterday I was experimenting with a script. I found out (to not great surprise) that the focus function was blocked for addons/scripts, but I wondered what would happen if I had it basically enter the literal slash command as if it was manually typed (Not to actually use, mind you, I would’ve had to report it as an exploit).

It didn’t work. Even with it going through a literal chat slash command, they were able to detect that a script was behind it and prevented it from going through. If Blizzard wants to stop you from doing something, they absolutely have the capability of doing it, and while there may be some method of hacking it together, you’re then actively exploiting and they will not hesitate to ban you for it.

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They were never used. If you want a group finder then by all means use that. As it was actually in game.

I played.

Personally I feel that there’s a difference between a guild auto invite tool and a standard open world auto invite tool. If you’re in a guild, you’ve already made a social connection.

Maybe that makes me a hypocrite. I can live with that.



Cute. I’m advocating for an accurate recreation of vanilla with no changes. You want changes. Maybe YOU’d be happier in retail?


Correct. Neither is ClassicLFG


Doesn’t matter. You were wrong, it existed. Get over it.

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Disagree. I enjoyed the hell out of vanilla and most likely will put another few hundred days /played into Classic.

But I was playing MUDs, and BBS games, and MMOs, decades before WoW, and decades after WoW. And there a plenty of games I would rank higher.

WoW was a popular, and hugely successful, game for casuals. Not putting it down. It was alot of fun. But its success is because it was so streamlined and easy compared to what came before it. QoL is what defined WoW from the beginning.

But it is far from the best game ever made. It has plenty of problems. And I support Classic ‘warts and all’ mentality.

You don’t like this particular wart. I say too bad.

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At least you can admit it. That’s more admirable than most people in this thread.

I understand we’re all only human and what “feels” wrong can still affect you even if it makes no logical sense.

I don’t think many people here know what a Multi User Dungeon is, Hammis. But I like the cut of your jib. Did you play in the LOTR one?

Hey guildies, seems we are missing a tank tonight, let’s go out into the world and ask around to find our special someone. Hey guys, go get some dinner and cut your toenails should be about 20 on the nifty LFG channel to get our top ranked io tank to ppug for us tonight. Also johnny, get the add-on immediately because we want people to know there are three of us in this guild when we que up. Oh hey btw, why are you guys in this guild actually? Ah, free repairs, of course.

One of the arguments is that lfg, as it is in retail, was not in vanilla. While rudimentary an auto group system was infact in vanilla.

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