Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

its part of the problem, we both care for classic, so we need to take up the what if scenrarious as well, they wont go way, just couse no one talk about them… its better to fix these things so you guys can get that addon without automating, and also so there is also no possiblity that Someone makes a addon that automates the one said thing this addon isnt soposed to do, but has the possiblity to do…

Are you kidding me.

I quit at the end of Cata for this exact reason. Instant dungeon group finder is what made me hate the game, amongst other instant gratification changes + anti-immersion measures.

I’m not playing if this is allowed into the game. Screw that. I’ve waited since 2006 to have the Classic version, and it will have been all for nothing if this addon isn’t removed.


no that is quoting out of context and making you say something you did not say, see the difference?

are you against bag sorting addons?

Link? I’ve not seen it.

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Rofl, nah I was definitely wrong about this addon. Yikes.

can you provide a link to today’s interview? Curious to read about this then I will sit down.

Does the add-on remove the need to communicate to clear the dungeon?
Does the add-on send people into the dungeon?
Does the add-on automatically replace people who suck with someone else?
Does the add-on pull from all servers?
Will the add-on ruin social interactions?
Will the add-on kill sever communities?

Hint: The answer to all of the questions is the same…

Disagree, it will turn out just like retail in which the only words in group spoken will be telling people how bad they are, telling them to F off and then leaving group where they can then use the addon again to get another group quickly. There is no reason to work with people to overcome a challenge. No reason to help others improve upon their class.

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Classicast on Esfand’s twitch. Addons are discussed starting at roughly two hours and twenty five minutes.

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Why ?
If they had called it by its classic name of call to arms would you be ok with it ?

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Explain yourself. Forming a pug that matters to you because, say, because tanks are hard to come by and cannot be quickly located on group finder, surely leads to less toxicity and more patience within the dungeon. These are things that build character and friendships. These days, all people want are speedrun boss explosions and exhibit profound levels of toxic and anti-social behavior. One core reason for that is because pug groups are extremely easy to get into and rebuild if people are kicked or dropped out. How does this add-on not fuel this result?


i guess i need to answear again…

-"I am against addons that automates gameplay that in significant way changes the needs to play wow, social interaction of having to interact with real people can be a fairly lengthy process…

but ultimatly this would be down to blizzard to decide…"

Blizzard has already stated they will break addons that automate gameplay.

Also this is a tangent and irrelevant to the topic at hand…but how are you feeling? I know you said something about not being able to sleep. I dont want someone who is having a good discussion with me get hurt.

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We already have the addon and it does not automate. I would suggest that if you see one offered in classic that does you report it.
Getting all wound up before the fact is not healthy.

Not sure what you are talking about.

I’m not looking for ‘selfsustainability’ in Classic. I’m looking for community and a guild.

I want to play classic for a large world, not a tiny one that I can get everywhere by teleporting.

I want classic where low level items have uses all the way to max level and max level content.

I want classic where classes have niche roles and real class identity.

I want classic where the population on the server gets its own unique vibe instead of being a vaporous mess of cross realm phasing.

This ClassicLFG addon doesn’t harm anything that is important.

You keep spouting nonsense that has almost no meaning and no impact on what separates classic from retail. I’ll keep playing Classic, probably with this addon.

Transcribed with Timestamp provided for citation purposes.

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Thanks, and no worry, im good, was actually about to go to bed, so you all get rid of me for a few hours…

yes the addon kills the need to communicate, if things get tough people will bail on the group and find another group super fast just like retail. yes the addon can replace someone who sucks really fast, as you dont need to travel back to a main hub to find someone.


No, it isn’t, specifically because of how the add-on is designed.

People look like fish out of water with DBM because they don’t know how to do the mechanics or don’t do them at exactly the right moment, because information that precise is not available without the add-on.

A person without this add-on is functionally no different than a person WITH this add-on.

Person without add-on: sees a group spamming LFG, whispers the leader “Mage. Inv?”
Person with add-on: add-on sees a group spamming LFG, creates a listing, whispers the leader “Mage. Inv?”

What the hell are you talking about?

I said it doesn’t exclude them, not that it forces the add-on onto their screen.