Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Well given the video at the top auto invites… no, that’s not all it does.

Oh look the retail jab again… dude look at my chivos… I have not played wow seriously in a long time.

If you dont like the add-on dont use it. Easy.

Explains why I am amazing. From Wanderhome to Illidan. The best server communities to have ever existed in an MMO.

It is our game too.
The fact you dislike it notwithstanding.
The add-on exists.
The add-on does not automate anything.
Don’t like it. Tough
Did you even play classic ?

The video at the top is also in Retail. Or do you think playable dark iron will be in Classic?

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so? my comment already addressed that powerful addons could’ve existed in vanilla because blizzard weren’t prepared for what people could do with the API

swing timers aren’t remotely comparable to this addon

neither are buff addons. although automation has always been frowned upon by blizz for obvious reasons

yep, which is why its easy to tell when people are lying when they say “dude, everybody used these!!!”

Correct in BfA why are you changing the subject ?

That’s not actually how that works. Even if you aren’t using it, the more people that use it means the fewer people will communicate and socialize to create that network. They’ll just rely on an addon that automatically groups people. That’s not how the community in vanilla was made, but it is how the server communities died - with auto grouping. Cross-realm LFD didn’t exist before 3.3, but a similar system for same-server did.

Also, try to not make it so obvious, dont post on a F2P account. Everyone knows you are just another poster in this thread.

So baseball isn’t challenging? Point is, things taking time and effort make is so that people care about the people in the group that they are in because losing them means another trip back to org to ask a general. That may sound annoying and disruptive to some, but that process alone built guilds, built servers, built friendships. Blizzard had to dedicate a whole forum board for people re-connecting with the buddies they made, the hard way, playing classic.

Either way however you have not refuted my point that the spirit of classic is indeed built in to the challenge of group formation for various tasks. This add-on serves, even however slight, to strip some of that away.

I am against addons that automates gameplay that in significant way changes the needs to play wow, social interaction of having to interact with real people can be a fairly lengthy process…

but ultimatly this would be down to blizzard to decide…

I’m waiting to see if the same can be done in Classic. And that’s what the worry is.

People supporting this addons are the same ones who will be jumping ship before 40. So of course they don’t care how bad they screw this game in the mean time. You want those QoL changes then stick to retail and let the rest of us who actually want the vanilla experience get it. We don’t want your anti social game, which is why we’re not on retail anymore.


Quick get in the van. We need to destroy as much of the classic code as possible before people realize that the Stream Masons and the New WoW Order worked together to fake Vanilla. Need to deal with the remaining planes before they let loose too many chem trails and make escape impossible!


True, everyone did not use THIS type of add-on. But they had them and it was common to use add-ons and they were very powerful back then…

Did you really socialize when forming a group? You had conversations with everyone that whispered you?

I bet not. The socializing and friend/enemy making happens randomly out in the world or with the people in your groups.

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" if you dont like it dont use it" you sound kind of stupid when even ION said that argument makes 0 sense. if LFG addon is used it becomes a part of the fabric of the game. people will bail out of groups when things get tough because they can use this crap addon and just start over. just like LFG. go play retail like i said and stop trying to ruin classic.

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literally the same exact type of add on. He was covering addon types that automate networking and communication aspects of the game.

Sit down.

The comment was not about the question of addons being available in WoW Vanilla but about the reason why people have asked for a return in the shape of WoW Classic.
QoL and Addon support is not the reason for WoW Classic but the idea of getting away from automation and selfsustainability.

Disagree. This add-on may help them meet people, get into guilds and enjoy classic and not leave.
People not being able to do group content will make them jump ship

Classic WoW dev interview today trumps a vague statement months ago. Sit down.

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