Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

It does not matter. Because the only way you can see groups posted is if you have the freaking add-on installed because you want to use it.

Stopped reading there. The only thing EQ2 ever did right was housing. Please dom’t compare that to WoW.

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Guess he didn’t “play since launch” though. So much missed. What a shame.

The wow lfg finder does the same thing as the EQ2 finder.

what is stopping you from doing that if you used this addon? Since you still have to travel to the dungeon, and if anyone actually wanted to do a quest on the way, or enjoy the scenery, why couldn’t they?

I think there are three things going on.

  1. people genuinely did not know about these systems and are just ignorant to the info

  2. people are miss-remembering (is that even a word?) the meeting stones/ remebering BC and onward… i mean who really used stones/ innkeepers in vanilla?

  3. trolling (i hope this isnt the case)


I’m not sure what argument you’re trying to make here? Are you trying to say that a group made by someone using an addon and posts its listing to LFG isn’t going to be seen by someone browsing LFG?

well there is no way other than to see someone’s sub history if they played since launch, but he did play in Vanilla, pvped enough to rank 4 times.

It’s truly amazing how many posts can be in one thread without a new point being brought up.

Just new people repeating the same flawed points against the addon that have already been debunked 100s of times by now.

Did you even bother looking at the addon’s description? While a person could chose to design an addon that only worked with other people using that addon, this addon’s creator went out of the way to make sure it includes people not using the addon by also using normal chat channels (you can specify an advertising channel in the options). Isn’t that wonderful!!!

This has also been discussed dozens of times in this thread and in others.

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Yeah, my bad. Of course thats not saying much. I hit rank five and basically just raided and RPed all of vanilla. I hated PvP after the honor system and then BGs were introduced.

But you’re right, looks like they did actually play, just not much. Better than some people in this thread though.

You know how I will avoid this… by not downloading it… by only running groups with my guildmates… by playing the game how I WANT to…

but yes continue with the ad’homs they really really help solidify your airtight argument.

Everyone being placed in groups by ClassicLFG will have ClassicLFG add-on installed.

i did enough to get Corporeal,lol.

Not necessarily. Your group will be announced in LFG. If someone without the addon whispers you, it will add their name to the listing. Now, you’re correct in that it’s more likely that someone with the addon will see your group first, depending on latency. But that doesn’t mean nobody without the addon is going to be able to see and reply to these groups.

Can you tell the difference? Also it lists the people looking for others even if they dont have the addon.

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Even if you don’t use it, it will impact the game, we will lose many people in chat because they are using this addon and becomes hard for us to find someone.

Blizzard needs to ban this addon the same way they did with “Smart Heals” back in the days do you remember that addon that automatically healed everyone autoselecting them … ?


Are you trolling or just refusing to actually read anything that explains why you’re wrong?

That’s not how it works.

That’s not how the add-on works. Please stop spreading misinformation.


This is horrible. I was unaware of this information. Imagine making an add-on so powerful that everyone is impacted by it’s use if just a few people use it. The developers absolutely need to touch on this issue soon.

Cool great, still how do you avoid it? Run with friends and guildmates. Isnt there an option in Classic that declines all invites. /dnd