Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Maybe stick to retail then? Sorry but it ruins the experience of an amazing game. You don’t understand how these features eventually made retail the unplayable mess it is.


Not as I understand it.

Yes because he saw the group posted in the add-on that he was ALSO using.

What is your biggest fear?

Do you really think people will HANDLE everything like on 2004 on game with a few “Vent-Servers”?

Everything will be handle via “DISCORD” dude. Raiding, Social LS, Exp groups, Dungeon groups. Nothing will be back at 2004

If you want to be one of these “players” will ignore discord, will uninstall all the addnons, k is respetable but dont force everyone thinks or act on your way


Which requires that they already be listed or be part of the add-on, just like a guild invite or class invite or zone invite…

At no point is socializing minimized and all of this was readily available throughout Vanilla.

I never said I wanted a version without auto-invite. You keep saying this and it makes zero sense… if ClassicLFG doesn’t have auto-invites I’ll just setup CT Raid Assist or oRA2 or whatever to do it.

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The post i quoted sated that there was no need for whispers.

… mhmmm , yes that one possible way, it also can be done so it isnt needed… wich creates a auto group set up, just like in retail… fully automating the process, and cercumventing the social gameplay

and if you dont want autoinvitation, and want the need for peopel to talk to each other, what does it matter if blizzard makes sure you you cant autoinvite ?

Oh this one is terrible, I can’t believe this person is real, so you are arguing with LFG system that no one USED in vanilla, I tell you this because I was there since WoW launch and never stopped playing + TBC/Warth so on, I knew very well the sense of community, the common abbreviations we used to communicate, to go to Scholo or Strat, Dire Maul everything was done by chat, and you are telling me with “facts” using patch notes that we had a looking for group system in place during vanilla? are **** kidding me?

Go and play BFA with precious LFD/R amazing warfronts full of bots… Geez people never learn.

No. It advertises to and draws recruits from (and other groups forming) a global channel.

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One is automated we’ve been through this.

You are getting your panties all in a bunch ove nothing. The addon does not have an auto-invite button. The one in that video is a fake.

“Nobody used it”, yeah sure. That’s why they kept refining it over Vanilla’s lifespan. Right. I’m sure they were thrilled to waste the money on it.

Come up with a real argument.

Needs to be banned.

Also, on the topic of meeting stones, they didn’t work like this addon in 1.3. You had to travel to the stone and join it. You couldn’t just join wherever you were. Also, meeting stones became a hot bed of activity of PvP servers, also building communities and rivalries. In 1.3 the stones also did a terrible job of matching people up. Furthermore, the meeting stones for each dungeon were separate. So if you wanted to use the Scholomance stone, you only got queued to that dungeon, which you would have to travel to. This addon allows you to look for any dungeon at any time which is not what meeting stones did. Again you had to travel all the way there to join them, which in Vanilla travel times were awful.

Again this goes to an earlier point I made, if you were willing to use the stones and travel all the way out to the dungeon and wait in a queue that could take near forever to fill, you were more committed to running and completing that dungeon, despite some hiccups along the way. This addon, due to its ease of forming groups where and when you want will make players more disposable, something that is abundant in retail.


What it’s doing in action is 100% opposite on what the addon maker said it does. This should not be allowed.

That isn’t what I asked.

How do you tell the difference as that healer?

Dont lose the time with AURORA is just a troll only repeat the same two sentences over and over

1.- I will report & black list everyone use addons
2.- Blizzard do not alllow the addon
Repeat like a bot

Dont waste energies and time just IGNORE

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actually it is

Because I didn’t rely on an add-on to find people for me, I didn’t need the add-on, and I seldom needed lf— spam. I usually knew someone who was running it, or had a high-level toon that would rip-roar us through the dungeon if they got the trash grey loot.

Since I didn’t know about the add-on, and because ours was an RP server with regular RP events, I didn’t need either the add-on or manual spam (very often).

Hahaha NO…