No it doesn’t. The addon author stated that it doesn’t. You’ve been fooled by someone playing on the BFA servers.
Ok, couple questions about add ons:
- Can you have a stand alone auto invite add on in classic? If so:
- can it work in conjunction with the LFG add on.
- Would they be compatible together if both installed?
- Could other add ons piggy back with the LFG add on?
The “button” does 100% the same exact thing as typing “/4 LFM VC”
You’re making up problems that don’t exist.
See above.
I believe the answer is yes to all of those. I mentioned this to you like a day ago.
they do far from the same thing… if you actually watched Omar, and Birmingham, they will alow alot of things, but automatic features, will be one they dont like…
And if you can use automatic features to create groups, that tailors them based on tank, healer, dps , its just the automation they dont like…
So again , it has nothing to do with that the addon you talk on have these features turned off… the problem is the addon can do automate a rather important aspect of WoW
You’re right, this is worse than I thought. I thought you still had to talk to people and manually invite them, this is just straight up LFG. Absolutely disgusting.
If it doesn’t auto invite then I have no issues with it. Relax no reason to go forum warrior.
I beg to differ:
Very clearly stated.
The community has everything to fear. This takes away from it all together. How is someone supposed to be “Blacklisted” when they have multiple instances of them being faithful? Plus one of them being Truthful?
All of which existed in Vanilla and don’t contradict his statements. Stop trolling.
I’m curious to hear how people have reacted to asmongold hating on the addon and saying he’s against it. Do they agree with their most hated enemy or do they flip flop to not espouse a parallel thought as him?
Here’s the problem with that.
LFM VC /w invite for an invite. I could send that exact message with or without this addon. You’d want to bring up your issue with the standalone addon, not this one.
So if they can all work in conjuction then the LFG would be an auto invite?
Not sure what you are saying?
How does ClassicLFG help or not blacklisting people?
Insomuch as oRA2, CTA, CT Raid Assist, etc etc are “auto invite” then yes.
I’m super iffy about it, even if it doesn’t auto-invite.
My only goal is for the game to be good, and to not be like it currently is. I don’t want quality-of-life changes to ruin what made this game so great to start off with. If I’m wrong and this addon ends up being a net positive, then I’m happy to be wrong about it.
I just hope the people praising it aren’t the same people who don’t realize what things like LFR and LFD did to the game, and I hope they don’t want something like a Retail version of Classic.
Are you being intentionally provocative or did you not watch the clip? It mentions this exact scenario. Again if it auto invites it will be broken like it or not.
yes, becouse he has turned these things off… the problem is that the addon can do the automation in classic, if its psosible to do at all, it needs to be broken so it cant
So can literally ever single addon created. What are you trying to argue?
You keep attributing the negative stuff to the wrong places. LFD and LFR by themselves are not problems. It’s the fact that they work cross-realm that is. Without cross-realm you would run into the same people, and so would expand your realm-wide social network.