Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Honestly worse case scenario skip a few dungeons while leveling if my friends are not roughly around my level at the time.

I think the main concern of just about everyone lobbying against it is; why even open the door to it?

This addon isn’t necessary, and the potential for harm is greater than the potential for good. People appreciate Classic for what it was, and the taste of LFR/LFD is a bad one that’s stuck around for way too long. Let’s not even go down that road.


what points? all I’ve seen is weak arguments about the insignificance of removing the effort required to form a group while completely ignoring that it’s not remotely necessary. and the fact that you’re still here making those points while trying to argue that it’s not a big deal

Thought it was flying being added? Or was it transmog? Had to be pet battles…

Are you under the impression that the forums make up the majority of players?

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This addon promotes SAME REALM GROUPING. GROUPING that Classic is loved for. Ever wonder why people have clamored for CLASSIC? This is the start of it

friends? Does that mean you will forego joining a group or starting one if it means running with server strangers?

Ijust don’t think rampant paranoia is the best way to weigh ideas . This add on seems like a net positive. It keeps people playing the game rather then spamming chat channels.

It seems a improvement without any draw backs but people are so burned by cross server from live they are hurting themselves out of fear.

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That still doesn’t sit well with me. And in the vid all the person had to do was type out “invite please” to get auto invited. This addon is a shot against making social connections with another player by having a system automate the grouping process.

Why are all of your posts so abrasive?

I never once made a reference to what the majority of players think. I’m just summarizing what I think the concerns are of the people that are against it.

I have no idea if the majority of players approve or disprove this addon. Never crossed my mind actually.

I just said in my last reply I wouldn’t.

Flying damn near killed WPVP? xmog started the Collection game we have now. What are you saying?

Social connections are made in group, auto invite groups will not be good. Automating grouping is not going to be prevalent

people want classic for a retail-esque group-finder addon. oh boy we’re really reaching here

I asked a simple question. Nothing vitriolic about it.

SAME RELM GROUPING that already existed? OK? Why does zero social involvement make sense to you?

well then, there it is, and I am not flaming you for it, to each his own, but that is the disconnect that kill retail for most of us coming back to classic

You’re right. People definitely didn’t pay hundreds of gold for useless whelp pets, covet mounts like Rivendare’s and the ZG tiger, and wear armor that wasn’t bis just because it looked cool and matched in vanilla.

I don’t know if improvement is what people are looking for though, when it comes to Classic. Especially since that’s so subjective. People already know what Classic was without this addon.

At this addon’s best, it could be great.
At it’s worse, it could completely ruin the experience of Classic and make it useless.

I can’t see the worst being possible to be honest but I have to run for a bit so will leave it at that.