Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

The rushing is part of the gameplay…

/4 is already in the game. Why Dehumanize everything with an addon?

except it clearly does, or you wouldn’t be so desperately arguing for it. you guys should really stop being so blatantly disingenuous

Nah, that’s just you conflating the action oriented focus of modern mechanics with content locusting.

We’re defending it because we comprehend how impossible /4 is going to be to even read with thousands of people trying to make groups at the same exact time.

The effort of being the guy spaming trade?

You picked a pretty poor quality hill to die on.

the argument for something like this, has been made for every change that classic fans hated.
Blizz destroyed the community for the sake of convenience in retail.
For god sakes please stop with the you dont have to use it argument.
If it is in the game people will have to use it or fall behind, either everyone uses it or no one, Blizz’s call on this one.


You are plain WRONG. Not to mention you can scroll UP.

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Prove it. There is no way of knowing that at this time.

What does this change beyond spaming trade. Exactly. Be. Specific.

general chat exists
trade chats exists
guild chat exists
other communities exist

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The guy who made the addon literally said that it would not be auto-inviting.

Prove it is not.
We base it does not have auto add based on the words of the person who wrote it.

Don’t forget the vendor who travels in Desolace…a goblin. He carries some really important ones. I want to say he was the guy that sold the Mystery Meat buff food recipe, but I’m not sure. I just know: Desolace. Traveling goblin. Has recipe.

how about…if you use the addon in classic it kicks you right back to retail enough said.


I’m a casual player that never played vanilla and I’m asking you BLIZZARD PLEASE STOP THIS I don’t want this sort of stuff ruining the community even if it takes me 6 months to get to level 60 please I want everything old school, ban this please.


Why ? Because you want everyone to be dancing in a city and have a far distance to travel ?

Effort is effort. It’s all relative in this game.

Minimizing effort for convenience is a step in the direction that caused the current state. It’s as simple as that.

And the fact you said Trade is a yikes

back to retail.

Would you stop Chicken Littling? The community isn’t going to die because of this addon.