Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Im fully against lfr not because it helps casuals our but it breaks down the entire system. You got half the raid not wanting to be there cuz it’s boring and the other half pickin up the slack which typically don’t wanna be there either. I have no interest in that. But putting a looking for group system in the game isn’t a terrible idea. I won’t be playing near the hours I used to so I could see myself taking advantage of this. I have no interest in being fully t1/2 but I’d like to play some of these dungeons and such in the little time I do have. That’s all I’m saying. There’s nothing wrong with casual players and to me it seems like this addon could help the casual players. The hardcore players will keep doing what they do which is group with their guildies or buddies. Just not understanding why this is that big of a deal because it’s really not lol

Lets see.

Auto invites existed in Vanilla.
Addons that played the game for you existed in Vanilla.

Auto invite addons work in Classic, if the fearmongers are to be believed.
Addons that play your class for you dont work in Classic.

Almost like Blizzard made a distinction when they were modifying Classic’s api.

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this is suppose to be a classic version of Vanilla, not a classic version of retail.
This addon doesn’t belong in Vanilla.
Get rid of the LFG/LFR function in retail and use this addon there to your heart’s delight.


I’m curious, what do you think LFG is?

I’m curious, what do you think LFG is?

An addon that is not needed and takes away from the game in Classic Wow !

This add on will take the vanilla out of classic.

get rid of it bliz

Get over yourselves.

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Would you like to tell me what you think LFG is?

Not what you think it does. What it is.

why ?
Not why does it not belong.
Why do you suddenly get to be the decider of what does belong and what does not belong.
I want a (as close as possible) authentic classic experience and this addon is one that would have been out there but barely used in Classic (but called Call to Arms not ClassicLFG). If people had not decided to get all uppity about it, it would be a little known addon this time also.

In what conceivable way…?

The crippling LFM spam?

Omg so cool. You can literally do the same thing in chat.

It won’t even get rid of LFG spam, it will just make it easier to sort through.

Looking for a downside here…

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been doing that for days now.
Which is why I’ve changed tactics as to why a perfectly legit classic-esque addon should be removed and who decided what is part of classic experience and what is not (I vote Blizzard devs decide which will keep this Addon Active)

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you actually have know knowledge to whether they will let the addon sty or not. The only way to find out, unless they post prior to release is log in and wait to see what take place over the first few weeks.

The only downside is for people with anti-social, selfish personalities that are afraid if they act like a jerk in a group then the group might be a little faster to kick them since it’ll be a little easier to sift through LFG chat to find a replacement.

Those jerks will still gain reputation as a jerk though because you’re all still on the same realm.

still won’t know as I won’t be using it.
The point is that it’s not a bad addon as people say, in fact I think it’s an addon that will help keep the Classic community stronger than if it was not there.

I wont use it either but wont agree or disagree whether it make community stronger. I would speculate it dose not but either way I respect you opinion and will just wait it out. The thing is we all have options regardless of our opinions.

  1. play with or without addon or addons
  2. don’t like the way Classic goes the play BFA
  3. don’t play either ! just find a game that docent rub you the wrong way and enjoy or if that’s not possible maybe its time to take a break.

You forgot :
Play both Classic and BfA

If you can’t see that those are two completely different mechanisms on handling loot nothing I say is going to convince you. Either way have a good day and enjoy your time in Azeroth.