It won’t.
Dev word > random GM
It won’t.
Dev word > random GM
This exactly, watch as they ignore this post completely as it doesn’t fit their narrative.
I trust the random GM over the posts in this thread.
Didn’t ignore it at all. The wording is quite specific there. Invites of parties you applied to. So if you don’t apply, there is no auto accept and the group leader will still need to invite you.
Actually, I’ve posted repeatedly about ClassicLFG having an auto-invite tickbox and even attempted several times to explain to people that the video, while taken in BfA, was of the actual ClassicLFG addon as anyone could go test themselves by downloading the addon and loading it in BfA since the addon API is similar enough that you can load the classic addon in BfA. I even explained in one post how to do it.
I also pointed out repeatedly that it’s irrelevant because most people would never auto-invite to a dungeon in the first place since they’re trying to find people of a specific class or role.
I also pointed out that if the auto-invite aspect is so offense it could easily be disabled by Blizzard but that would not break the addon entirely and most people wouldn’t even notice or care since that isn’t the primary feature they’re interested in in the first place.
btw, it’s the anti-addon nut jobs that are doing a bang-up job ignoring points that don’t fit their narrative.
custom channel with password gets autoinvite.
Good for you. I trust Omar and Brian since they’re the devs.
Link something where they said this would be allowed in game
You are right! There was a lot missed about this addon. The tunneling was legendary on this topic. Thank you for being persistent. It’s all coming out now hopefully it won’t be too late.
Check out WoWhead’s recap of the Classicast yesterday.
link something where they said it wouldn’t.
If the addon works on Monday, then it is allowed.
link it. kk
Actually it was said it would be looked into. A lot of addons make it into the game originally only to be broken later when they realize the damage it could cause.
Relatively sure the game director said that addons that reproduced this type of functionality would be banned. I doubt Blizzard can be trusted when it comes to this but we will see.
Why are CM’s being so silent when Ion said this on stage? The silence from the CM’s on this issue are why people NEVER trusted current Blizzard to recreate Vanilla.
What functionality ? Chat Parsing ? so all RP addons should be banned as they are quite similar ?
Lol. It is a much better mark of a measure of degree of legitimacy than anything you or anyone else here, that isn’t a blizzard employee, has to offer.
Game developer leads are not going to make public announcements on individual addons like this. Not have they. They have only made general statements. Who would you hear it from when the decision is made?
Blizzard employees making posts on the forums or responding to tickets. Enjoy it.
Stop projecting.
Again, stop projecting. No where did I make any claim in that post of anything. I simply let the information stand on its own feet.
Id suggest you stop using your opinionated, self-aggrandizing argument to try to translate comments from developers and twist them to mean something else to fit your perspective. Have a nice day trying to shove further square pegs into round holes.
ok simple question… WAS IT IS CLASSIC OR NOT? No then get rid of it or face a wave of mass unsubs.
There is no negotiating this. Either get rid of it or people will go back to private realms.
I don’t get it, optional auto invite feature auto invites.
Kind of like if you posted in LFG you’re looking for people and just invited the fist 4 people that responded.
It’s optional, if you don’t like it don’t use it.
Otherwise it’s just the premade group finder tool. Which is a lot better than something like 30 individual groups trying to organize themselves in one LFG channel.
Yes and no.
Yes under a different name (Call to Arms) and no was not exactly the same but pretty close.
CT Raid assist also did the auto invite thing.
It’s likely that since this addon is social, and is still in stages of changes and development, that blizzard is not going to make any decision on it until they see what it actually ends up doing in game, and not what we all think it’s going to do.
They are done playing with any significant changes and ramping up for launch.