Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

kind of puts your opinion in the same perspective huh?

auto accepts invites to groups you have applied to … read that again … so you use the addon find a listed group, whisper the leader and say ‘hey invite me’ then they invite you and it auto accepts that invite.
Sorry but that is far from automatic grouping.

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No, actually, because we have a DEV INTERVIEW telling us the general philosophy on what add-ons are acceptable, and that philosophy greenlights this add-on.

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How do I make it bigger?

Trust me i tried to think of different ways to ask lol.

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player.lua parses your talent tree
class.lua assigns your role based on what it parsed.

I’ve downloaded the code…already posted this.
There is nothing to deny here

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Can you or can’t you walk away from the computer and come back with a full group of people without doing anything?

Cupcake, they had all beta to break the addon and didn’t. You’re expecting them to break it in the next few days. Good luck. They’d have to destroy a lot of other addons in the process.

At most they might disable the ability for an addon to send an invite, which would go against the “spirit of vanilla” since addons could invite in vanilla, but that wouldn’t phase 99.99% of what people are going to be using the addon for.

who is denying anything ?
It lists you as name/class/spec in the addon for others to see. I see no issue with that.

you are delusional and just hear what you want. Its kind of creepy really.

Okay? So if Blizzard doesn’t want that, they can disable that part of the API. Easy.

you cannot.
You (as group leader) will need to invite them each individually.

I literally quoted it verbatim, buddy.

Why do you think everyone is mad?

Author is disabling the auto stuff for everything except custom.
It’s right there on GitHub under the issues tab
All the code is under the files tab

If they type inv through whisper you don’t need to be there to actually invite them. It can auto invite that person based on keywords.

mostly falsehoods spread by streamers (the video in the OP) and fearmongering.

Ignorance and Overreacting, mostly.

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Gentle reminder that a CM said that he didn’t think that CE pets would be in Classic.

delusional, it does not say what you think it said.

I’m holding out hope that that blue response holds merit and this addon goes the way of the dodo bird.