Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

exactly, and im not against your addon persay, im against what someone else can do… since at moment you can automate social interaction, and that dosent belong in classic… so that needs to be borken so no one can do it

I agree that it should not be done and I hope no one will :frowning:

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Thank you, and thanks for trying… but understand our concearn, im not trying to stop you, and the limited version you want to create, i want the possibility of the automation stopped…

You mean like how people talk so much in dungeons using LFG in retail?

What server are you rolling on?

yah great example of how non toxic the community is supposed to be

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I’m not a paragon of any community. I’m an individual. I didn’t make any decisions I wasn’t qualified to make unlike this piece of human filth, Suu.

I’ve seen worse…

Come on lets post your realm. You need to be camped.

well awesome, good for you , i guess…

LOL you people are so insecure it’s incredible. Quoting this gem of a post so we can still see the original after it inevitably gets removed.


just a slight note, lets try debate, insulating each other, rarely solves issues… disagreeing is part of life, and any healthy democracy…

Also quoting this gem of a post.

Nice try but that arrow button still directs people to the original post <3

Where was the debate about his add on being released? There wasn’t one. One individual made a choice for millions of players. So I’m going to get him camped. Point blank.

Ok, lets try that, are you going answer me yes or no like I asked politely?

No I don’t think you get I just don’t care.

Um, you do know that not everyone is playing on PvP servers right?

There was, two months ago I created forum threads and reddit posts. There even is a discord to discuss this addon.