Henlu~! Harm/Heal macro, not mouseover

I just need a macro to do 2, 3 things.

  • It must work to heal an ally.
  • It must work to harm an enemy.
  • It has to display the heal on my hotbar.

Thank in Advance.

In before Elvie. :slight_smile:

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I need the macro so it isn’t a mouseover :X halp

Just remove the mouseover condition sets.

/cast [mod:alt,@player] HELP_SPELL; [harm] HARM_SPELL; HELP_SPELL

Does there have to be a condition like alt, shift etc to get this to work? Sorry for the dumb questions. I am new to a caster class.

No, but if you want to differentiate between casting on self and casting on some other helpful unit you have to have something.

Here’s what you’re asking for and nothing else:

#showtooltip HEALSPELL

If you’re targeting anything that you can cast harmful spells on, it will cast the harmful spell. Otherwise, it will cast the heal. If you run into problems, just post a response.

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The [mod:alt,@player] condition set just preserves the default casting behavior of being able to self-cast with alt. Macros don’t observe that behavior by default so you need to include it if you want it.