Henchmen (Horde RP Support Guild)


So I had a idea, and I need some help on this, I need you, the alt that you have, I need people who want to create something by helping.

How many times are you using raid markers for NPC’s? Villain’s? Refugees? Well, “What If” you no longer had to do that? “What if” you could get ahold of some folks and have them help you?

Do you like to meet folks who are leveling and gift them with some sweet crafted item?

Do you like to help people down a mob for a class quest or to progress them along the Ony key chain?

Ohhh Maybe you are alliance and want to have some mustache twirling folks tying up damsels to rail road tracks? Or maybe they are foreclosing on the family farm, Well who are you going to call?

Right now due to lack of players we do not have a set schedule to put things out to help other guilds right now, but we keep working at this and we will, and with your participation it will be soon.

Well as you can see the sky is literally the limit here and I think you can see what I am trying to do, and I hope that you might want to be apart of this. If so please reach out to Oatwalker or CitizenX.

All classes and races are welcome.
In need of folks who have skills that will help this grow into something we can all be proud of.

Thank you for reading.


I think this in an excellent idea. I ran something like this in retail under the guild name of NPC and for the most part it worked out pretty well and people had a lot of fun.


I’d be interested in helping, also having the guild tag henchmen is cool

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Well I will be on later today, have to sleep but am off. Send me a message and will get you in :slight_smile:

Its what I am hoping for, get all the peeps who want to help and create and have a blast :slight_smile:

Cool! I won’t be on until much later tonight, like around 9-10pm server but I’m leveling my priest named Incomplete. I’m leveling herbalism and skinning and not enough room for all these mats and not enough money to put it on the AH!! :sweat_smile:

I tried giving some of it away and ppl be like, sorry no bag space LOL

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OMG Versca can you COD mail me some leather?! even the ruined scraps would be amazing, I made the mistake of going herb/skinning, sold all the leather i made, then decided i’d be better off with lw/skinning because i never found herbs, and now i’m buying leather from the AH to get caught up in lw Q_Q
My toon name is Nascha!

EDIT: Also, this sounds like a super cool idea for a guild! Love it! Best of luck to all of you!

Yes, please. Let me be a mook.

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Self serving day bump :slight_smile:

Great time today, added a few folks (3) spoke with em while handing out some green items and bags, went over what the guild is about and they wanted to join up. Again this is not a rush in any sense, having fun with it, loads of fun.

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Hey folks.

Hordies will you please save all your white weapons (cudgel, broom, shovel, pitchfork etc) as Henchmen are going to be needing those things to help support RP on the server. You have some and want to make a donation? Thank you, mail them to Citizenx.

Also anyone looking to join up feel free to psst the same name, OR /who Henchmen and ask if they can invite. (most of em can invite, we have a simple rule for the guild. No drama, break that and you are removed, So you wont see us trolling any of the chats or being “ye ole toolsquad”)

And as always thank you and see you in game…


RP guilds if you have need for us at your events just ask. (we are recruiting numbers trying to grow so thank you for your understanding and consideration)


Another copyrighted CS bump.

Pushing this back up to the top, was lucky and snagged up another two players so that’s always a good thing, Yes we are taking on people whom are new to RP.

Thank you all again, see you in game.

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Well had a great time added another player.

Passed out some 6 slot bags, made a bunch more and mailed them off.

Have the druid and loc about ready to offer RFC carries, think I will shoot for next week as a start time…

Oh and added to the “white” weapon stockpile, Fiery enchant will never look so sweet.

This sounds like a really cool idea! My current toons are guilded, but the next alt I make is headed your way!

Any particular class needs at the moment? I tend to lean towards casters or healers.

No nothing right now is in need :slight_smile: Just waiting for folks to get to the point where they need some RP-npc’s and that sort of thing.

Also stocking up materials to make bags, and helping folks in zone when we can.

Been two days, so bumping :slight_smile:

Bump because the post must be more wordy

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Having a time of it, adding people to the guild and of course sending out help when/where we can. Looking forward to the RP’s

Moving this up a bit

Also looking for those who want to set up RP and be “that” officer.

Looking for another Officer to assist with recruiting duties.

I don’t fully understand what this is, but I love the idea of cross faction RP, in general. :slightly_smiling_face: