Hemo ,Gouge and Garrote for sub

Played rogue since Vanilla. Why is Hemo gone and gouge in Outlaw only and Garrote in assassination only.

IMHO, Rogue was the most fun to play in Cata.


Because blizzard is incompetent and all the devs who designed the game when it was good have quit


Subtlety Rogue has failed completely since Legion to serve its longtime audience

It’s an absolute tragedy what they have done to the once incredible gameplay and overall concept of the spec


Legit…they said they wanted Sub to have a shadow theme in legion and yet they pruned shadow step.

Shadow step.

:woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

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Blizzard lost touch with reality and now the class has been designed by a 2 year old…

Vanilla to MoP rogue was loads of fun, different versions were stronger / weaker but still really good and still for the most part felt like a vanilla rogue…

WoD ruined everything when they moved the combo points to the player instead of the target… This was done to make rogue like every other class in WoW that was overall a copy / paste of the rogue energy & combo point system.

The only thing left they had to do in WoD was to move the combo points into a place where players could no longer make mistakes… AKA idiot proofing the class.

Lastly the class was still too much a “Rogue” even in WoD so Blizzard figured since they gotta break the class to cater to the new generation of pitifully bad gamers they have to then prune the hell out of all the abilities so that only certain spec’s can now have certain abilities thus making it easier for bad gamers to understand.

Hence now rogues are either Assassination, Combat or Sub; no longer “Rogues”

As a result the once majestic rogue has been eliminated and the class is now populated by the kind of players who previously would play something like a Death Knight; you know, those people…


After players complained it was unpruned!

You’re welcome.

You are insufferable

Yeah, I’m sure you single handedly fixed rogues by leveraging your influence on a international company.

nothing is fixed ya dunce, we got two abilities (shadowstep and blind) unpruned. the class is still utter garbage currently and needs a lot more work

and if you were here in 2015 instead of posting on general discussion about how you can’t beat silver proving grounds, you’d know the story


This is truly one of the most important things in your life isn’t it?

I’ve played a Rogue in WoW for almost 15 years; of course it is important to me.

If it’s not important to you – if you don’t have any fire or passion for the game – then why are you here on the forums posting about it? Why even bother?

It’s pathetic to try to flaunt your lack of investment or care. If you don’t care, don’t post.


Dude, you don’t even know what it means to play a rogue because you dont, and likely never have.

What you kids call a rogue now days is nothing more than a ret paladin with stealth.


How do you know I don’t play rogue?

I do play rogue, a NE rogue that I do pvp on and started gearing.

However, it’s just a game to me. I can’t understand people who get upset about it when there are plenty of things to worry about IRL.

Edit: just realized you concluded things about me due to me posting on my hunter. The irony is that you have a level 10 hunter as your forum toon. Pot meet kettle.

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I post and peruse these forums during downtime. Like my subway commute or when I’m on the toilet.

I find your level of investment concerning because the subject matter is so unimportant. But if that’s how you want to spent your one life. Go ahead.

By your utterly terrible and very uninformed opinions, mostly.

Also it’s been a trend on this forum for several years that anyone who says “tbh I really like the new shadow magic spec fantasy” turns out to be an imbecile who only started playing the class recently and only participates in the most dumbed down content.

It’s not at all hard to spot it and one doesn’t have to look at your armory to tell.

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That’s nice.

I work remotely and have seven monitors in my home office so it’s very easy to leave these forums up and check them on occasion.

Obviously my life is a mess – why else would I care about a video game?


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Please find anywhere where I said I like the new sub rogue design.

Spoiler alert: you won’t find it because I’ve never said it.

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What are we arguing about then, champ? You got deeply offended because I was rude to one of the clueless, drooling imbeciles that wants to ruin our class even more than it already is?

Jeez. I can’t imagine why I think you’re a jerk. Regardless if we agree on Sub rogue.


The way I see it, people who only started playing this class in Legion and want to come in here and argue with those of us who have been here for a decade and a half, those people deserve to be ridiculed into silence.

Subtlety was, for most of its history, the Rogue spec for Rogue connoisseurs.

Blizzard invited this dumpster fire when they took the tryhard Rogue spec and redesigned it in such a way that the existing players hated in order to make it “appealing to a wider audience”.

They created the conditions for an all out war between long time Subtlety fans and that so-called “wider audience” – I’m just following through on it.