Helping a friends appeal

My close friend accused and banned for apparent gold buying/selling during Classic. They attempted to appeal it but were told that “they reviewed the evidence” and considered it enough, denying any further possible appeals.

I had heard about bought gold circulating around and possibly getting people (who received it) banned even though they had nothing to do with it.

is there anything I can do, as a friend, to possibly vouch for someone’s innocence?

No, Blizzard and the GMs don’t take any word from anyone as they only go by what their logs say. If their logs show any of the proof that it had happen and they refused to see to the case anymore, than that’s the end of it. No amount of trying to find ways around it won’t happen. It’d between them and Blizzard, no one else will affect any given case.

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You cannot “help a friend” with an appeal. It is between them and Blizzard.

This is the final answer. Appeals are allowed until they say this, and then it is over. No amount of posting on the forums, opening new tickets (which can be actioned further), or trying to rile “support” from others will change that.

Irrelevant. You don’t know your friend’s situation, so let’s not muddy it by bringing it random tangents/rumors/etc. Your heart may be in the right place, but it’s not going to do anything to help. If anything, these “rumors” could compel them to open more appeals, which could lead to further actions.


Generally speaking, simply receiving gold that may have been stolen or otherwise obtained through exploitation, won’t summarily result in an account penalty. Our teams look for evidence of involvement.

No, I’m afraid not. Our staff only looks at the evidence that they have through our logs. We are unable to accept character witnesses. Sorry, Baruun.


I would add that when an action is appealed, it goes to another person to be looked at so it’s not just a matter of one person potentially misinterpreting the logs.

More than one person revied the evidence and came to the same comclusion.

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