Help/Harm Macro with vuhdo

I currently have help/harm macros with my mistweaver. When I heal with vuhdo I am constantly spammed by my character saying I can’t cast or similar voice lines. It is basically not acknowledging me casing a help spell because I am still targeting a harm, but the spell is cast through vuhdo. Is there a way to have this stop?

Make it prioritize mouseover over target

I am confused on what you mean by prioritize. Switch the order so the help spell is first? I don’t use a mod with it. Vuhdo just allows me to use the same button to heal. I have the macros in case I am not in a group though.

I’m saying to replace your current help/harm macros with one of the formats I posted (the [mod:alt,@player] bit is just so you can force-cast on yourself).

If you post one of your existing macros I can provide specifics.

This is what I have. It works, but I hate that my character is no stop talking with them.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] renewing mist;
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] tiger palm; renewing mist

I may just need to not have a help macro and rely only on vuhdo. That works fine unless I try to heal someone outside of my group.

Thanks for your time.

The problem is you set it up using 2 cast commands so any time you used mouseover on an ally it would try to mouseover heal AND cast on your target.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Renewing Mist; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Tiger Palm; Renewing Mist

The weird thing is I have had no issues with this type of macro on my priest, but my monk they are having issues.

Thanks for your time.