Help with Character Name

Xarotas. :sunglasses::point_right::point_right:

Head cannon I was imagining “soldier who wants to fight for all things right and just. Wants to bring the light to those in need. He is an adventure wanting to travel the lands and be a

This sounds very humany.

Stormwind humans are often as not named things like Jason, Mathew, Philip.

People names. For people. Maybe go to an antiquated take on popular names. Like Mathias. Which is I think german for Mathew? And is already a prominent NPC name.

Pick name. Run it through a language filter. Apply name. Repeat as necessary.

Well, the OP is on Stormrage, which I think is a high pop server, so finding a real name might be kind of hard.

Then make a draenei and slap double vowels between the sharpest consonants you can find, I say.

Or make an orc and name him whatever sound the nearest thing next to you makes when you push it off the desk.

Or try and put together a cool sounding name than just headcannon that it’s actually his last name and he just goes by Nightsheer because no one would surrender to the dread pirate Westley.

I will be starting a brand new character on a different server. I’m thinking of going to moon guard or one of the other rp servers.

I like being on MG, it’s great. Very quiet and laid back… on my side of the fence.

But speaking of quiet… I’ve been hearing rumors that a lot of RPers are jumping ship and moving to MG. Whatever server you pick, I would check out Trade chat to see how lively the server is before you make a commitment.

Unless you want a dead server and in that cause I recommend Lightninghoof.

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Ahhh so that’s all I do


How about Meldarastwo?

So Saradlem :rofl: :rofl:

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I see what you did there! actually isn’t bad, thank you.

The God of Biscuits?


How about Galaren?

How about Eoghan.

Say it like Owen

lol sounds like a human Paladin name :smiling_face: