Help with Burst Macro

I need help with a macro. It used to work fine, but maybe it needs to be rewritten again.

I am looking for a macro where I can use an ability and instantly activate my trinket. So far, it doesn’t work as it should.

/ stopcasting
/cast Arcane Surge
/cast Touch of the Magi
/cast Presence of Mind
/use Draconic Gladiator’s Badge of Ferocity
/script PlaySound(13949)

I am not sure if it is just “too busy”.

Essentially, I press once for Arcane Surge, then tap again to put on Touch of the Magi (since it is off the GCD) and Presence of Mind.

I’ve tried moving the use effect below arcane surge, but it still will only activate the trinket about 40-60% of the time.

Can anyone help with this? Thank you.

Try this, might be a bit more consistent

#showtooltip Arcane Surge
/use Draconic Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity
/cast Arcane Surge
/cast Touch of the Magi
/cast Presence of Mind
/script PlaySound(13949)

Also you had a space between / and stopcasting

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Arcane Surge triggers the Global Cooldown, and mashing this just interrupts your cast of it, but then triggers TotM, PoM and your Trinket while the GCD is in effect. Pretty clunky.

I am not knocking on what Elvenbane provided here, just wanted to clarify the behavior of said macro.

Realistically, the only way around this and to only have to hit the key one time, is to use Arcane Surge last. This means it also hits your target with TotM applied. If that doesn’t matter to you, then try it like this:

#showtooltip Arcane Surge
/use 13
/use 14 
/cast Touch of the Magi
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Arcane Surge
/script PlaySound(13949)

13 = Top Trinket Slot
14 = Bottom Trinket Slot
16 = Main Hand Slot
Just remove whichever one is not the on use trinket. Or you can leave the name in as is, doesn’t matter.

Also, you have the On Use weapon as well, which is slot 16. You have the option of squeezing that in too if you wanted to. The more you know! :v:

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